So some of you know I home school one child
and the other is in public school
I have a love hate relationship with this set up
all for another day….
that is Just how the cookies crumbled around here
I volunteer every year in my little girls class…
THIS YEAR I have been the art mom once a month
stepping out of my comfort zone and walking her whole class through an art project
I am more of a 1 on 1 or a 1 on 5 kinda gal, ya know?
I don’t LOVE being in front of the whole class
especially not with other adults around =)
WAY out of my comfort zone…
anyway… it has been good for both me and my little girl
who is VERY shy and has anxieties of her own…
In the Fall I walked the class through a Collage Podge Leaf Art project
it was fun and showed Abby it is good to step out of your box… even mommy can!!
the kids art turned out GREAT!
and The kids loved it. yay!
In December I guided the whole class through a fabric art project
it was Great fun, the kids loved it, they were all proud of their art… etc. etc.
they all went home with an extra Christmas pressie for the fam. yay!
fast forward to today.
This months project.
HOUSTON…. We have a problem!
Abby’s teacher mentioned they have an author visiting the school soon
and wondered if I could do an art project around the theme of her book/books
I agreed without looking up the author… oops.
What I did know is it includes belief in characters like big foot and the loch ness monster
I am ok with that… not that I believe in those things =)
the idea of a KIDS author highlighting those things seemed ok to me
how bad could it be?
I figured can’t be worse than the kids learning about evolution as fact
even though it is actually a theory ….and well… I don’t believe in it…
I choose to use those moments as teaching moments to teach what I believe…
what I believe is Biblical truth. =)
It is how I roll in my heart and my convictions.
SO… with that said.
I Googled …under Google images… the Loch Ness Monster.
and found some CUTE kid friendly stuff…
all these images were found with Google Images
all from either books/authors who have written on the topic
and or were artwork off of blogs… yep… blogs…
Here are a few of my favorites close up!
by an Author of a sweet book about a girl named Katie who explores
in this case… in Scotland! He even has a blog!
James Mayhew
love it!! though his stories look too young for my kids…
I might see if I can find them in the library!! =)
they looks so inviting!! and full of imagination, fun and even a little geography!??
another cute tale about Nessie …
clearly kid friendly!
he wrote a book about Scotland too…
this one is from a blog…I love it!!
I thought it would print with her blog name…
but it did not… I am sure I could find it again…
anyway… Very cute take on the Loch Ness Monster…
and this one… well… I figured boys would like this one best…
again from a blog I think??
a little sly looking this dude…
but I like him…
All of these images keep the Loch Ness Monster in the
might not be real category
keeping that factor in perspective
especially for kids like mine that would NEVER go out on a boat again
if they thought serpents were real… and one might surface… *sigh*
My idea was to do a watercolor art project with the kids
having them maybe draw a bit of Scotland, water and the Nessie…
using the above illustrations as inspiration…
What exactly is my problem then??
Well… I finally got the name of the author who is coming to Abby’s school.
and googled said author
and well…
I am NOT impressed.
it actually bothers me a bit that this author is coming.
and may or may not influence my/our kids
in a way ….that…. well… I think is on the edge
on the edge of what I would call appropriate for elementary school KIDS.
I have not seen the books.
just read the authors web page and browsed books from said page
here are a few things I learned on the web page… .of the author… the author’s ex-spouse is a cross dresser, the author says things like “OH God” or writes them on the webpage anyway… words Karma and Zen are noted… never mind the characters and books seem a bit… on the edge too… including slightly creepy content and illustrations…. NOT my cup o tea!! AT ALL! I am NOT impressed that this person is going to offer any kind of encouragement/teaching/influence to my little girl ….thankyouverymuch.
words. biting so many words.
notice I am not mentioning the authors name, books, location, nada. not going to highlight this person one teeny tiny little bit. nor am I slandering anyone. just sayin… I am having trouble with the choice in author who coming to influence MY child in a public school. YIKES.
Never mind I agreed to do an art project highlighting some of the said authors subject matter…
**I feel sick**
*cough. cough.*
narrowminded? maybe?
Mother hen. Yep.
opposite my beliefs. yep.
freaking out. yep.
curious if I am pre-judging. kinda.
wishing I could be in Hawaii that week. yep.
wondering what to do now? yep.
What would you do?? DO TELL!!
Do you think if I did the art project, the kids would associate the beliefs of the author with my own?? *ugh*
Would you keep your child home from school that day??
What to do… What to do??
I am looking for gentle honest opinions please…
I am not picking on anyone for having different opinions to my own.
I am stating my concern fora self proclaimed liberal, a self proclaiming author who says she is weird, she says she supports and co-writes with another author who is “risky”… “on the edge”, and in my opinion some of the content/images of said author are a little creepy… especially for a child with anxieties… I am worried about what is being taught to my child in a public school setting… schools are not allowed to teach conservative views… but they are certainly allowed to teach liberal ones… UGH…
Please note… this is NO reflection on my little girls teacher either… I love my daughters teacher!!
it is another teacher in the school who is bringing in this author…
Seriously … what would you do about the art project … knowing the kids will associate it to some degree with the author… and would you keep your child home from school on a day when you know someone is visiting … someone you know you would never take them to see at a bookstore signing?? =)
I’d really rather take my little girl to see the Pioneer Woman!! Perhaps to the book signing of her new book about Charlie the Ranch Dog !!! My heart would be very relaxed seeing Ree at my daughters school talking about writing books about the love of your pets… or your family… =) Abby is actually thrilled about this book… even though it is a little kids book… Abby LOVES Charlie… She even quotes dialog from this post... it is a hysterical post about Charlie eating sausage!! Even funnier to hear Abby and her friend quote the dialog!! =) anyway… that is the kind of influence a mom would NOT bat an eye at… her heart would Not skip a beat… or two … or three. or Stop!
Anyway… Do you all know my little girl wants to be an Author??
its her dream!! Which I will encourage until she has a new dream…
if she changes her dream!! =)
The idea of Authors like the Pioneer Woman influencing my daughter is easier on the soul than the one I know she is about to meet… yikes! Abby did get to meet Jan Brett once… do you all know her books?? Oh so Wonderful!!
anyway… distracted. I am going to hit publish now… and hope for respectful comments… which I know most of you who already comment would offer!!… =)
Do the art project or respectfully decline?
Keep my little girl home that day or send her in and hope/pray she is not terrified to go hiking in the PNW where we live… after seeing (creepy) images of Bigfoot and having her head filled with the idea that she will bump into him one day… ??
remember my little girl has anxieties already…
would you keep your child home that day?
just curious… curious enough to see what would others do…
I am volunteering in one hour. many of you will not even read this in that hour.
I think my mind is made up. and I will talk with her teacher and see if she has visited the authors web page.
I already consulted hubby.
waiting his opinion too. =)
(eyes closed)
Mother Hen.