Who knew Spring was so complicated? =)

Am I the only person who had no idea the first official hour of Spring was so complicated?  =)

I thought it was always March 21st?

A few blogs mentioned the first day of Spring on  Sunday March 20!

and I thought… hm… they must not know that it is always March 21st…

(ha ha ha ha ha… that is me laughing at myself)

I googled it… and here is what I found on www.wiki.answers.com

SO Technical!

Astronomical spring in the Northern Hemisphere as defined by the International Astronomical Union begins with the Vernal Equinox on March 20, 2011, at 7:21 p.m. EDT.

At the start of spring (spring equinox), day and night are approximately 12 hours long (at the equatorial plane) and the Sun is at the midpoint of the sky. Our north pole tilts towards the Sun.

First day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere
In general, the four seasons correspond to the relative position of the sun to the earth. Meteorological determination of spring is calculated according to when the sun passes through the equatorial plane. When going from winter to spring, the sun is moving north; as soon as the sun crosses the equator, we call it spring. (This applies to places north of the equator.)

First day of spring in the Southern Hemisphere
The “official” date of spring south of the equator (official is corresponding to the first day of fall in places north of the equator) would be around September 20/21, depending on when the sun crosses the equator.

Countries such as Australia and New Zealand, however, designate the first day of September as the official first day of spring (climatological counterpart). Preference between these two methods varies across Europe. Many east Asian countries use lunar dates to determine the beginning of spring.

In Addition
The climatological spring as defined by the World Meteorological Organization began on March 1, 2011.
The ecological spring begins locally with the beginning of the growing season. Usually in temperate climates when the mean daily temperature reaches 6 degrees C/42 degrees F. This can be as early as February in mild climates. and as late as April or May in cool climates.

CRAZY… Who knew it was SO complicated!!??

No Matter…  Signs of Spring are everywhere…
and it makes my heart sing!
Here is what we did on the first official day of Spring!
the sun was trying to shine on Sunday…
March 20th… the real first day of Spring!!  (snicker snicker)
we were all happy to be out in …not so wet weather
look at how happy Merlin is!!
that is how I feel… he he…. =)
Ah… swing weather!!
Abby does NOT like having her picture taken these days…
it is hard to catch her smile on camera… little stinker!  =)
and I get a lot of cheesy grins out of this happy guy…
I’ll take it!!  =)
Isn’t it Funny how Spring puts a bounce in your step…
A Smile on your face  … (ha!  caught her smiling with teeth!! )
Spring kinda makes you feel like you are on top of the world!
or   King of the Mountain….   =)
it makes you love the color pink all over again
and warms up your heart
and makes you want to sing
even though you sing off key
and you might scare the neighbors
Funny what a little tiny bit of sunshine and a few blossoms will do to ya!
I love Spring…
Spring = Hope that Summer is on it’s way!
The first day of Spring marks 91 more days until the first day of summer!   =)
(I think I need a vacation somewhere sunny?!  *sigh*  if only!! =))
How about you?
What did you do on the first day of Spring??
do you all know that pink is supposed to be a very relaxing color
and I think I heard that it provides the perfect learning environment for your mind???  I will have to google that!  =)
(one of my favorite nick names…)  =)
PS  My hubby went jogging later that day… you know… the first day of Spring… Sunday… March 20!  (ha ha)   Anyway… he kicked a soccer ball around for a while as well … warming up his skills for coaching 10-11 year old girls… and … um… he sprained his ankle!!   ouch!    Please pray it heals nicely… and quickly…  he needs that ankle!!   oh dear!   =)

and the spacing in wordpress is NOT co-operating with me today!!  grrrr….
so …I apologize for the compact, crowded, claustrophobic  feeling…  =)
hello… Spring… help… I am feeling a little crabby after writing this post!
ha ha!
Hope Spring is putting a bounce in your step… and a smile on your face!  =)

3-19 Sunday Post

This week was a BUSY one

so I did not spend time capturing quality photos

Honestly I did not even write down the scavenger hunt list …

I did remember cell phone & chair – but I didn’t intentionally snap a chair…

between soccer practices and a game, home schoolin, volunteering at school, girl scouts, a wee band concert, an Irish artist, a dog, a cat, 2 kids, out of town guests, grocery shopping, cleaning, baking, cooking,  … a busy week …  I managed to capture something for each item … but they are far from perfect shots… hm… good thing imperfect was one category!  snicker, snicker!  =)    Without further ado  …

Sunday          72/365       cell phone

2 cool cats on our way to church last Sunday  …

silly cats  =)

Monday    73/365     Camera

my  assistant little boy ran around with my camera Monday morning

when he should have been doing school work…

giggling away as he snapped pictures…thinking I could not hear him…

he happened to snap a picture of  my cell phone …

can you see the reflection of the camera?

it is not the best picture… but he really thought he was clever!   =)

Tuesday   74/365   Imperfect

just like no human is perfect

(except Mary Poppins of course.. practically perfect in every way) =)

Merlin… well… he isn’t perfect either…

I came up the stairs the other day to find him doing this

I tried to get  him “leave it”…

thinking he was after Sammy’s school work

we keep Science and Math worksheets in that desk right now

but that is NOT what Merlin was after

OH…. Hello Nana…. Poor Kitty!!

Merlin’s top two weaknesses

the kitty and toilet paper!!!  =)

( I wonder if I will ever make it a week without Merlin my posts? ha ha ha ha)

oh… those pics were taken with my cell phone as well

Wednesday          75/365

Wednesday I baked homemade gluten free cinnamon bread

well… it was a box mix… does that count as homemade??

baking anything with yeast is very intimidating to me…

no bread machine, no kitchen aid mixer (sniff) with a glass bowl (sob)…

just me and my hands…scary!!

it is the best Gluten Free bread I have tried in 2 months

and I made it!!  =)

I have never really managed to write the post about why I went gluten free  a couple months ago… let’s just say I have been dependent on digestive aids for WAY too many years… and way too often each week.. I finally had enough testing in my diet & testing with probiotics …. so I decided to try what everyone was raving about… and let me tell you folks… Going Gluten Free was my MIRACLE!!  within a couple weeks… Digestive issues gone… GONE!!  No more Pepto.. no more Imodium… no more worrying about weather or not I could go out into public without needing to find the nearest bathroom… Gluten Free is the way I NEED to be!!  and I am thankful for the growing gluten free market !!  =)  OH SO THANKFUL!!   =)

I will post the bread mix later in the week… if you are interested in which box mix it is!!  =)

Thursday   76/365 Imperfect (take two)

this gave me a good laugh!!

I am FAR from a perfect housekeeper!!  =)

the cork came from my Mad Housewife wine bottle!!

ha ha ha

yep… it is actually called Mad Housewife  …

it is a red wine I buy from Top Foods … mostly for cooking…

I really don’t like wine all that much…

(I know, I know… sorry… don’t like beer either!!)   =)


Friday 77/365 Chair

Abby is one of two flute players in her 5th grade band class

on Friday afternoon they had a mini band concert

the 2  flute players were set off to the side

with a huge stack of Chairs sitting behind them!!  =)

how convenient!!  ha ha ha ha

Her band teacher said the flute is hard to learn because it requires

really strong cheek muscles and good wind pressure (or something like that)

and Abby is really little … skinny… scrawny… slimmer than slim….

she doesn’t look like she has  much wind or muscle…

but she has done VERY well with the flute!

when that little girl of mine is determined…. she is there 110%!!

I love that about her!  =)

Saturday 78/365    Shoes  (and/or cleats!)

Speaking of a skinny, scrawny, slimmer than slim child …

who is determined… =)

Abby really wanted to score a goal in the first soccer game of the season

her cousins and uncle were visiting from Canada…

sitting on the side lines cheering her on…

her daddy coaching….

she really really wanted to score in the first game…

and she did!!   just after I snapped this shot!!

**proud mommy**   =)

(and can I say for the record… her jersey is #77… and this was the 78th picture out of my 365 day challenge… oooooooooh that bugs me!!  ha ha ha… I am such a number nerd!!   now I need to go back and count… to make sure I am not off… ha ha ha… well… if you count that I missed ONE day this year… then maybe it is 77??   yep… I am that nerdy!)


Saturday night we took the cousins to play Glow in the Dark putt putt golf

and I captured this  Shoe Shot of my own feet…

I rolled up my Levi’s and pretended I was in Grease!!

my socks and shoe laces were about the only glow I had goin on  =)

oh .. and it was also taken with my cell phone!!

PS… Just a little ditty about my $40 a month, pay as you go, no contract… pretty darn cool android phone…  20 hours of talk time, unlimited texting, web and camera!!   We love our no contract smart phones… Target baby!!  If you all are wishing you had an i phone and can’t afford it…(wink, wink Ashley!)  or if you don’t want the contract…  Virgin mobile has fantastic prices/packages for pay as you go phones… !!  =)  You can’t beat it … really!  The only thing I wish it had was a flash on the camera… I can live without it… although my glow in the dark golf pictures would have turned out with flash!!


Spring officially arrives this week… March 21st… right?  =)

the flowers and the blossoms on the trees are appearing right on que!

Here’s hoping we all see a little sunshine this week as we welcome Spring!!

You know what I love most about Spring?

We are that much closer to Summer arriving!!  =)

I miss the Summer Sunshine & warmer temps!!



( I am not in denial… it IS likely to snow again in the PNW… it almost always does!!   **sigh**  I hate snow after March 21st!!  it shouldn’t be legal… ya know?!!)

And the Hosts of the Weekend Photography Fun:

NapTime MomTog Project 365


Next weeks items to snap:

Decay (old/abandoned), Groups of Three, Kitchen,

Me Time  and Things that make you go hm..

Simple, Gluten Free and YUMMY!

If you visited my blog on March7th you might remember

the Creamy Taste of Italy  Soup I made

with these Trader Joe’s Sausages

the package did not say Gluten Free …

but there was nothing in the ingredients that lead me to believe otherwise!

anyway…I only used three of the four for my soup…

I had one left… what is a girl to do with one sausage you ask?

Make a yummy Chicken/Sausage Pasta Dish!!

First I cubed and cooked the organic chicken breast on medium

I am funny that way… I prefer organic meats…

but it doesn’t have to be organic!

when the chicken was nearly done

I added herbs and the sausages…

oregano, basil, sage, thyme… rosemary… what ever flips your skirt!

or Marilyn’s skirt… you know the red one?  never mind…

saute for a few more minutes

don’t forget to add LOTS of garlic!

that is a big spoon… don’t let it fool ya!!

yep still using the giant jar I bought after one too many moldy garlic cloves!!


next up veggies  and pasta

have your veggies cut and oiled and in the pan ready to turn on before you cook the chicken… it will make your life much easier!!  much.  much easier!

I used asparagus in my Italian Soup the night before… perfect!

half the bunch went into the soup and half into this pasta dish!

I also used Orange peppers and onion… tasty!

You could add any favorite veggies really…

OH…  and have a couple pots of boiling water handy too!  =)

Here is my stove top at this point!

I turned down the chicken/sausage… and really should have covered it…

but the veggies cook in less than 5 minutes!

OH… which means you should toss the pasta in the boiling water BEFORE you saute the veggies!  it will make your life easier.  much easier!  =)

I used Brown Rice Penne… this brand is my favorite gluten free brand SO far

when it comes to pasta that is!  =)

This rice pasta is less gooey …  no thick film in the water…

I like it.  so drain it and put it back in the pot.

then toss the veggies (oil and all) right on top the pasta

flip it around if you just can’t wait

looking good… not gooey… some rice pastas I have found gooey… (ick)

Next add the chicken (oil and all)

flip it, toss it… mix it up… the extra oil adds flavor/moisture to the pasta

The next step is the MOST critical step

You can’t live without it!!

Do not be caught without it… you will be sad… there will be regret!

Feta Cheese AND Fresh Parmesan Cheese

I only had Feta that day…

*sigh*   … SAD… tragic… awful…

I kid… it tasted lovely…


if you shop for this recipe… get the Fresh Parmesan… you won’t regret it!!

Your taste buds will thank you!  They will be happier.  Much Happier! =)

Toss it again, flip it … mix it … whatever…

This meal is delicious hot or cold… warm or not warm…

it is my new favorite pasta dish.  maybe.   I LOVE pasta!  =)


That whole process only took about 15 minutes TOPS!

well… if you don’t include the chopping time!

Want a cut and paste version?  =)

Yummy Gluten Free Pasta Dish

2-3  Chicken Breasts cubed

1-2 Sausages Gluten Free Trader Joes Spinach Flontina & garlic

1/2 Orange Pepper chopped

1/2  Onion or 1-2 Shallots chopped small

1/2 bunch asparagus washed & cut into 1 inch pieces

2-3 Tbsp Garlic chopped

1/4 cup Feta cheese

1/4 cup Fresh Parmesan Cheese

Herbs:  Oregano, Basil, Thyme, Rosemary, Sage … whatever… Italian herbs.

Brown Rice Pasta

Olive oil

Directions:   Saute Chicken on Medium until meat is white about 5 minutes….  Add trader joes sausage and saute another 3-5 minutes.   Be generous on the olive oil b/c you want some to marinate the pasta later.  Turn heat down and cover.    Boil Water for Pasta.  Put the pasta in the water and follow directions on the box.  (I gave my kids regular pasta so I had two pots!)    Saute the veggies for 5-7 minutes.   Drain your pasta.  Put the pasta back in the pot, add veggies & oil,  add chicken and oil, toss it… flip it … mix it up!   Serve.

Put Feta and Fresh Parmesan on top… toss it and eat!   Enjoy!

Serves 4-6.

I made this the day after my Creamy Taste of Italy Soup… so I saved the leftovers (not much)  and the 3rd day… I reheated the soup and the pasta dishes… poured the soup over the pasta and it added to the soup!   Both the soup and the pasta were accepted and enjoyed by at least one of my picky eaters!!  =)  and my hubby of course!  He eats anything! Really… he loved it!

We have eaten it 2-3 times since my gluten free adventure started 2 months ago!!  =)

We have some out of town family visiting this weekend…not sure I will manage to post again until Sunday… not that I post every day anyway!!… ha ha ha!  Maybe I will get a short one in on Friday??   =)  I like to keep you all guessing!… (I kid… I fly by the seat of my pants… what does that mean anyway??!!  )   *sigh*

Hope you all have a LOVELY weekend!!  I need to clean…   and bake… and shop… you know… get ready for guests!!  and my little girl has a band concert and her first soccer game of the season!!  busy busy!  =)

Do you all have plans for the weekend??

Hope we all get a little pre-Spring Sun!!



PS   Wintogreen is the Life savor that sparks!!   =)  I think I will get some more to play with this weekend when our guests are here!!  =)

When Sparks Fly

Have you ever sparked one of these?

in your teeth?  =)

Many moons ago I learned this Science Experiment trick

It is fantastic entertainment for kids, teenagers, sleepovers, bible study groups, grown up dinner parties, family gatherings… you get the idea!

Here is what you need.

and Total DARKNESS!!  =)

oh… you only need ONE of those flavors…

but if you are calling it a Science Experiment

or a joke, test, mythbuster… etc etc… you want both!

You simply sit in the dark across from another person

and pop one of those babies in your mouth

and chomp away on it, in the dark, with your mouth OPEN!!  =)

it is hysterical!

Oh and the point is … little sparks light up in your mouth!!

I wish I could tell you the scientific method behind the sparks…

I will google it and get back to you!!  =)

The question is:

Which flavor sparks??

Pep O mint??

or Wint O Green??  =)

What is your guess?!!

if you know the answer for sure…

Please don’t mention that you do in my comments today…

please just pretend like you are guessing!!  =)

One of my children does NOT like mint  AT ALL…

so I bought him these So he would not feel left out!

Butter Rum…. YUM!!

They don’t spark… I bought them

because my mama used to carry them in her purse

and I have a weird attachment to the yummy childhood flavor

and because well… I like them

and my children like them

I really should carry them in my purse …

like my mama did

and give them to my littles

every time they beg me for them!

ha ha!

This is an important tradition

I should pass down through the generations!!


Who knew a simple little circle shaped candy could bring such JOY!?!!

What is your favorite Life Savor Flavor ??!

and Which Mint flavor do you think Sparks??

Wint o green or Pep O mint??

(shhh…. please don’t tell anyone facts… just guessing today!!)

Hope you find a joyful spark in your day!!



ps  this is probably NOT good for your teeth… and could even break your teeth I suppose??   so try this at your own risk … ok?!!  =)  I have never broken a tooth… but you never know?!!  =)  just sayin…  I have insecurities with dental issues… maybe it is the hundreds of visits I have endured??  =) **shudder**   =)

3-13 Sunday Post

Sunday        65/365          Calm

baking is a very calming activity for me

I send the kids upstairs

I play music while I bake

it really is calming for me… I love to bake!!!  =)

Monday       66/365        Square crop

this is the same flower I pictured last week… =)

it was closed a bit more and wet…

anyway… I use the square crop feature A LOT…

I like squares and circles…

I am weird like that!

Tuesday        67/365         Welcome to the jungle


never EVER a dull moment in the house

this is a weekly event…

somebody always leaves the bathroom door open at least once a week

and this is what happens EVERY time!!

2 years people… 2 years!!  **sigh**

don’t worry… I DO laugh… every single time!!  =)

he can’t wait to get to the end of the roll

b/c the roll is one of his favorite things in this world!!  =)


Wednesday      68/365      speaking of Merlin

he really wanted to play cars with Sammy on Wednesday… =)

it was painful for him but he was good

he just watched as Sammy shot cars across the kitchen floor!!   =)

Thursday      69/365      Vanishing point?  =)

I painted my toenails a very bright pink

trying to put a little “spring” in my step!  =)

ok … not so much a vanishing point??

maybe this will do?

do you see the mole hills continuing on down the little hill there??

no… still not a vanishing point?  dang!  really?   I give up!  I spaced this one!

anyway… I counted mole hills the other day…

the stupid evil moles have dug up more than 100 mounds in our little yard

all this WINTER?!!!

stupid moles!!    grrrr…..

Friday        70/365

my baking counter

I love my jars…

they are all over my kitchen/house

these are my flour & sugar jars

Kerri this is a sneak peek for you!!  =)

I have not actually baked with that flour since late Jan….

since I went gluten free

I think it is time to put my gluten free flours in those jars!!   =)

Saturday      71/365      Under

My little girl and I were out and about today

and we happened upon a beautiful rainbow

rising up over this little white church that I love!!

I was sitting at a stop light

so I quickly grabbed my camera and took a couple shots

through my windshield…

the rainbow didn’t show up very well…

I was so disappointed!!

anyway… what a beautiful sight to see my little white church

sitting UNDER a rainbow!!  =)

This little white church was in one of my posts recently…

with a sunrise behind it… **sigh**  peaceful!!

I love little white churches!!  =)

Hope you have a lovely day!



As always… the photo link hosts are:

NapTime MomTog Project 365


Next weeks Scavenger Hunt items are :

Camera, Camera Phone, Shoes, Chair and Imperfection

I am SO Spaced Out

OK… that came out wrong…

but it brought back high school memories…

not that I want those memories flooding back into my

somewhat well adjusted adult head… =)

for those of you who were teens in the 80’s…

did we use that term a lot or is it just in my imagination??

Dude, I am totally spaced out… (he he)  yes?  no?


Sammy and I have been working on a little Space Unit…

and I am SO spaced out!



over it!

I am done reading books and facts  about The Solar System

and the planets… all 9 of them!!  =)

we have covered some great materials

we have read and re-read the same facts about the planets

over and over and over again…

from many wonderful sources… Really…

I love these books… found them at Barnes and Nobel…

Love love!!  Chalk full of great science info. for different age levels…

we used 2-3 grade reading level.

these books go into so many science topics… I love them!

Sammy can read them by himself…

great illustrations, great facts and Sammy likes reading them… win win!!

but seriously folks…

I am Soooooooooooo Spaced OUT!

I don’t want to hear another joke word about gassy planets…

I am so done looking at these fabulous  little flash cards

and I am so done reading how many million miles away from the sun the planets are  =)

(who cares) …. KIDDING…. just kidding… (kinda)   Bwa ha ha ha ha

We have covered a lot of ground the last 2 months!!

Our Evan Moore Space Unit materials have been fabulous!

about the Sun and the moon, and the moon and the sun,

and the planets and their moons, and the asteroid belt in between,

and day and night, and night and day,

rotating and spinning, orbiting and traveling,

the stars and Mars, and…

I’m being followed by a moon shadow, moon shadow, moon shadow…

Aaaaah…. I think it has gone to my head!!

Calgon take me away!!

(yet another 80’s reference)

If you want to take a trip, climb aboard my rocket ship

zoom, zoom, zoom… we’re going to the moon…

(I sang that song to Sammy when he was a baby!)

oh… and don’t forget your space suit!!

This fun space suit/space station sticker poster came out of this book

that I found at Borders Books for like 3 bucks!!  =)

I gave it to Sammy for Christmas …

knowing we were going to do a Space Unit!

never mind we have a huge geography project to finish…

it will be useful for that too!!  =)

one of the first things Sammy did was the poster of course…

After reading a few pages in the Space section of the book

Sammy was inspired to make his own poster

all by himself …

he liked this picture of the solar system and wanted to make it himself

with some planet stickers we found for 50 cents at the dollar store (I know?)!

he used the leftover silver paint from his rocket ship

and went to town… or space that is…

proud little man   =)

I think he likes the whole space thing

Every time I turned around he was drawing space stuff

love love!

makes a home schoolin mama’s heart sing

to see her kids dive into school stuff in their “free time”   =)

he even read about Space in his spare time… =)

There were a few others from the library that I did not photograph!  =)

anyway… I am pretty sure that we turned over every stone …

or moonstone that we could get our hands on…

it was an exhausting exciting unit

We managed to work Science, reading, math, art, language arts, writing and spelling into…  gotta love a comprehensive unit, eh?!!  =)

even if it was exhausting for the teacher mama

at the end of the universe day…

we have a wall FULL of Space lessons, art, writing, etc. etc.

and one proud little man

who gained an amazing amount of  knowledge and an appreciation for the complex Solar System ,,,, God designed for us… to live in and to explore!!   Crazy …  crazy Giant Solar System … only God could have created it… ya know?!!   =)


if you are a home schoolin family

and you have yet to study space…

there are some fabulous materials out there!  =)

and it is amazing how comprehensive a unit like this can be!!

There is so much we did that I did not photograph…

or share… alas… what can I say?!

This Spaced out mama is blasting off…

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2… 1.



I realize not all of my visitors are interested in home schoolin stuff…

I will come back to earth… just for you… simple… life… IN earth…

any guesses as to what plant is attempting to wake up for Spring?!!  =)

Soup anyone?

My Taste of Italy Soup Recipe  =)

I’ll just call it that since it really doesn’t have a name…

I had a craving for a zucchini sausage soup that I have eaten before… but it was tomato based… and I had visions in my head of a cream based soup with asparagus… because I am lovin that veggie right now.. even if it  does… oh… never mind…

Ingredients:  Asparagus, Zucchini, Italian sausage,  potatoes, shallots, colorful pepper, celery, garlic, herbs and chicken broth.  Oh… and evaporated milk with a pinch of potato starch! (not pictured yet)

Most of this food was purchased at Trader Joes… except the broth , the evaporated milk & potato starch!  I bought those at Top foods.

Chop every thing up … you want 2 cups of each veggie & the sausages… and 2 cups of broth … you only want 1/2 cup onions and peppers, and 1/2 cup of evaporated milk!   easy sneezy lemony squeezy =)  (no lemons …don’t squeeze lemons… not in this soup!)  Everything is measured in 2 cups and 1/2 cups… keeps it easy sneezy lemony squeezy style!

Saute the yummy yummy Italian sausage with onion and peppers in olive oil.  In your soup pan.

My pan was given to me at my bridal shower in 1998… by my mama (God rest her soul) …It is more than 12 years old… well loved and used… both of the handles have fallen off… but I will cook with it until the bottom falls off…(yep lost one pan that way last year) then…  I will plant herbs in it or something ..

so easily distracted…. sorry where was I ??

right… saute your sausage with the onion and pepper about 5 minutes

until the bottom of the pan is nice and brown!  =)

use enough olive oil to keep it from stickin to the pan!

I saute in stainless steal on med/high … around 5-6 on my dial…

After about 5 minutes it will look something like this…

remove the goods from the pan

reserve them in a bowl & cover them to keep em warm!

Pour 2 cups of broth into that pan and whisk the bits into it!!

it smells so good by now in your house… that sausage is so good!!

you are going to want to eat…

have some gum handy!!

Add very finely chopped potatoes to the broth

and then add about 4-6 cups of hot water

I just “guessed” and poured it right out of the kettle!

it will be about half way up the soup pan…  set that to boil

then place all the green veggies into another pan

I use my trusty cast iron pan…

I LOVE cooking in cast iron… love it!!  =)

anyway you are just getting ready to saute the green veggies…

here is what my oven top looks like at this point

see no handles on my soup pot anymore… =)

and… I forgot to cover the sausage until I took this pic…

and the two little cast iron pans just hang out there all the time…

for lack of anywhere to put the heavy little devils!

Turn the potatoes down to a light boil for 15-20 minutes

10-15 minutes into that saute your green veggies for about 5 minutes

5 minutes into the saute turn the pan off and shake on the herbs

oregano & basil…. all over the green veggies

then drop a couple tablespoons of garlic on them…

flip it all around in the hot pan for a minute or two


Now is the time to fill the soup pot  =)

uncover the sausage, peppers and onions

and toss them in…

try not to splash

the water is hot!!  =)

then toss in all the yummy green veggies

only don’t forget the fact that you are holding heavy cast iron

not smart when you have a camera in one hand  … ha ha


I almost dropped the cast iron pan while I was taking this picture


Boil that at medium again for another 15-20 minutes

I think my dial was around 4-5 at this point?

when the timer goes off

whisk a little potato starch in 1/2 cup evaporated milk

just a teaspoon or two of the starch

Pour it into the pot

I just noticed I had turned the dial down to 2 …

maybe while I was whisking ??  I am sure I turned it back up??!

boil it on medium  for another 5 minutes

it will thicken up a little bit…

There you have it!

In less than one hour you will have this

It tasted like a soup from the Olive Garden or something!!


if I was eating gluten

I would serve it with sourdough bread

my man ate his with sliced sourdough … I ate mine a la carte

we were both very very very happy with this soup!

my kids… well… they don’t eat anything…

I don’t remember what I fed them that night??!

If I was fancy like the Pioneer Woman I would have a cool handy dandy printable button…to give you a printer friendly version of this recipe page… but I don’t…

so I will type it out for you to cut and paste…. alrightygoodthen …

Ingredients for Jenn’s Taste of Italy Soup

2 cups Asparagus chopped 1 inches pieces

2 cups zucchini chopped

2 cups celery chopped

2-3 cups potatoes finely chopped

2 cups chicken broth

4-6 cups water

2-4 Trader Joes Spinach, Fontina & Garlic Chicken Sausage sliced thin

2-3 tablespoons garlic (I used the chopped kind in a jar)

2 tablespoons of herbs Basil & Oregano

1/2 cup Orange pepper finely chopped

1/2 cup finely chopped shallots or purple onion

1/2 cup evaporated milk

1-2 teaspoons Potato starch for thickening


Saute sausage, onion & pepper in soup pot 5 minutes; remove from soup pot and cover to keep warm.  Pour 2 cup chicken broth into soup pot & whisk the brown bits into the broth.  Add potatoes and water and boil on med/high for 15-20  minutes.

When there is only 5 minutes left on the timer …  saute all green veggies for 5 minutes; turn off pan add herbs and garlic & toss.

Add Sausage saute & green veggies to Soup Pot.  Boil on medium  for 15-20 more minutes.

Whisk potato starch into evaporated milk & add to soup pot.  Boil another 5 minutes or so to help thicken the soup.

Salt to taste (we did not use any salt!)

Serve with sourdough (or gluten free bread!!)


I am new at the gluten free thing…

but I think this is a gluten free meal!!  =)

I love it when I discover a new meal … to spice things up a bit!!

I think this one might become a new favorite winter food!

What’s cookin in your kitchen lately??

or better yet… What is your favorite meal to cook??



Just another picture perfect Sunday

Sunday = a day of rest  58/365

snicker snicker

it was the only picture I took last Sunday!

sorry honey!  ha ha!  =)

Monday  Book    59/365

My little man read in front of an audience

for the first time Ever!!

**proud mommy**

Sammy read the part of  Saturn…

from the play in that BOOK the teacher his holding behind him!

I made a large print copy for him to read from…

and he still held it really close to his face!!

Its ok…  for his first part in a  play… he did a GREAT job!   =)

Tuesday ~   60/365

Merlin Cracks me up

he looks like a statue!

I think he knew where we were headed…

so he was sitting extra straight

to get a better view of the lake

(where everyone walks their dogs!!)  =)

Wednesday~ Fill in the blank  61/365

When I think about how the weed

is (growing) in the Grass

I just have to hope for Spring to arrive!

Weeds + silky flowers =   SPRING!!

I will take it!

even if we do still have REMINDERS

of Winter in our front lawn!

Thursday  ~ Reminders  62/365

Double reminders.

1.  Snow on the ground = winter is still lurking

2.  Fresh Mole hills in the Front and Back =  Evil critter destroying our lawn!!

I swear we have about 50 plus holes from that darn critter

it is turning my husband into Elmer Fudd…

“kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit”…

never mind our yard is looking awful as a result..

and it is creating sink holes everywhere…


Stupid Moles!!!!


Friday   63/365

was a very very busy day…it was a  no school day… filled with doctors, grocery shopping,  play dates, girl scout booth sales in the rain!!  and a sleepover … this is the only picture I took Friday… and my subjects were not cooperating at 10:30 pm… I needed one picture for the day!  Notice the little hand puppet … she was shaking her head “no”… that would be my little girl… funny thing is … her daddy and I used to use the hand puppet with each other … ha ha… not sure Abby ever saw the hand puppets… it was before her time…  genetics??  =)

Saturday ~  Diptych ~ sort of??? =)

This was my view outside my kitchen window tonight

I ran outside and took two shots.. within seconds of each other…

funny how the colors picked up so differently!!??

I saw this lovely sky when I was making a delicious soup

I call it “A Taste of Italy” … ha ha… just kidding…

but it IS  my take on 

A Taste of Italy!     64/365

I have been dying to make this Italian Sausage Zucchini soup

I made it once or twice a VERY long time ago

but my recipe was tomato based…

I can’t do tomatoes anymore…

I also love the Tuscan Soup at Olive Garden…

(not sure what they call it exactly… but it is Tuscan like… =)… )

so I combined the two ideas… and created this soup today!!

It was Amazing!!  I will share the recipe tomorrow …

Pioneer Woman Style… with step by step pictures… its how I roll too!!  =)

It is very late… I must say Good Night…

Good Night!



Hope you have a lovely Sunday!!


NapTime MomTog Project 365

lake monster art

for Abby’s class that is…

I am a home school mama and a public school mama

I home school my little man with really low vision….

he gets more personal attention that way!!  =)

but my little girl is in public school.

This crazy arrangement works for us … right now  =)

SO… Every year I spend a few hours each week in Abby’s class.

This year Abby’s teacher has me helping with art (and correcting papers!)

Once a month or so I create an art project and help teach it…yikes!

February’s art was supposed to be focused on speculated creatures…

I went with Lake Monsters… The Loch Ness Monster!!  =)

Here is the Lake Monster Art inspiration I found on the internet…

gotta love the internet… and give it full credit!

The above pictures are illustrators, authors and / or from blogs…

I did not make any of the above art on my own!  =)

I was asked to create an art project involving said speculated creatures

I went with watercolor as suggested by Abby’s teacher…

I used my inspiration pictures from above and started drawing…

this Loch Ness monster made me laugh!!

the artist was from a link I found on google images…??

The Loch Ness dude is kinda cool… looks like he has a sense of humor!

mischievous like Merlin, no??  =)

I changed the lake monster a bit as I drew him…

giving him a different look…

that is legal art, right??

This character I found …illustrated by James Mayhew

is more on the cute friendly side…

James Mayhew is an author/illustrator from The United Kingdom.

He has written and illustrated many wonderful books for children

One of his many wonderful  books is about a little girl named Katie

who goes on adventures in the art displayed in an art gallery

Katie happens to meet the Loch Ness Monster on one of her adventures =)

James Mayhew’s illustration of the Loch Ness was Perfect!!

Cute and Friendly!!  I was thrilled to stumble upon his work!

After investigating James Mayhew’s books a bit further

I discovered we even owned one of his books when the kids were smaller…

Who Wants A Dragon?

(image from amazon)

Sammy really liked that story when he was younger!!

I wonder what happened to it??  =)

I think my kiddos will enjoy the Katie books…

the age level might be a bit young for them?

but I think they will enjoy them anyway…. no…  I am sure they will!!

I believe the Katie series are for ages 4-8.

We plan to check out his books here in our library!


Back to lake monster art

I made this guy as an example of how to start simple…

I painted it and then gave the kids ideas how to add simple details (in pencil)

All of my drawings & paintings are me practicing

so I can inspire the kids and give them tips when they do theirs!!

with that in mind….

I also  made a viking ship for background scenes

it is NOT my best work

please don’t laugh!  =)

alright… fine… laugh!!

my inspiration came from a book about Scotland by Richard Brassey.

Great little book about Scotland!!  for kids or adults!!  =)

His illustrator had a great picture of the Loch Ness with Viking ships.

I need a little LOT more practice with ships and vikings!!  ha ha

I can swallow my pride for the kids

it is worth it….if it encourages them to draw a viking and or a ship!!

I am SURE the kids ships and vikings will be better than mine!!

Now I am really going to gulp my pride…

don’t laugh!!

I can’t even believe I am going to show you this one

because …well…. I don’t like it…

Sammy LOVED it…

Hoping it will provide some inspiration to the kids in Abby’s class!!

This one may inspire those who are overwhelmed painting the whole scene…

my clouds and water did NOT turn out… *ugh* not happy with it…  =)

moving on…

This one is Abby’s Favorite

I drew & painted the lake monster (inspired by James Mayhew’s books)

and then cut her out…  its a girl… can’t you tell!

I drew & painted the background separately

I pasted my girl lake monster onto it

again… giving the kids another option for creating a whole scene

I personally don’t find water color easy to work with AT.ALL.

maybe piecing together will help kids who struggle with watercolor like I do!

This one was the last one I painted…

it ended up being my favorite…

the inspiration for this one was from a blog…

but I can not find it again?!!

the gal said she was dreaming about the the Loch Ness and needed to paint it out of her head!!  =)  it is on my inspiration poster in my first photo… the one in the far right corner… the castle came out of my own head (don’t laugh!) =)

I was going to trace all the watercolors with black marker as well

to pop the art

I like that look.

but I chickened out in the end.

fear of ruining my fabulous kid art (ha ha ha)  =)

I was scheduled to take all this “practice” art into Abby’s class last week

and help the kids create their own Lake Monster Art…

It snowed.   School was canceled.  Mom volunteer art was canceled!

The next few weeks are busy.  Science Fair.  Plays.  Conferences. etc.etc.

Not sure Abby’s class will end up doing the art project…    bummer!

or if I will make it in the day they manage to squeeze it in!

If my play with Lake Monster Art doesn’t get to inspire Abby’s class…

maybe it will inspire you to do Loch Ness Monster art with your kiddos!??

Maybe I should have gone with a Leprechaun!!??  =)

Naomi… that is all the art  I have today!!   =)

Next I plan on painting a  Chicken!!

to inspire myself to stop being such a chicken with my art!  =)

The sun is trying to shine today…

the snow is melting…

Apparently that makes this chicken want to cluck!

=)  Jenn~

What is making you cluck today?!!

Berry Monsters


I see monsters

berry monsters

berry cute monsters!


I see Eggs…

Naked Eggs.

apparently I need a life….

Busy week this week.

This is all I have for you today!   ha ha!

but the berry monster is cute, no?!!

I made him myself!   =)

and for the record…

after 72 hours of soaking our little egg in vinegar

I broke it.

darn it.

back to the beginning!

Hope y’all Have a berry nice day!

I am off to the store to buy more vinegar and eggs.

and strawberries!

and maybe some pineapple juice?

you never know when you might need some pineapple juice.

ta ta
