In 2000 I gave birth to my sweet little girl… Abby.
Parenting one baby was blissful!
and nearly 2 years later in 2002 I gave birth to my sweet little man!
Now, I knew parenting would change my world…
and it did of course…
parenting requires you giving of yourself 24/7…
Parenting with unexpected challenges…
I had no idea!!
Special needs rocked my world more than I could have ever imagined…
We look at life a little differently than most families….
I have dropped little clues that I home school only 1 of my 2 sweet children.
true, true.
There is a reason behind my madness…
Sammy sees the world differently than the rest of us…
20/200 differently.
Rather than 20/20 of course!
Low Vision is only one small piece in the mystery behind my precious Sammy’s unique medical history…
it started with flicking eyes… called nystagmus… then we realized he was not seeing us from across the room… He has seen 4-5 ophthalmologists (referred to ‘the best’ in two different countries… Canada and here)
They “think” Maybe he has Ocular Albinism… low pigment, small optic nerves… and unexplainable low vision… corrective lenses don’t help… it is one of the “mysteries” we just manage… we live with it the best we can… without knowing exactly what causes it…
Many many tests… nothing conclusive…
We face many undiagnosed medical concerns… which are mysteries to the medical world… we live with each issue individually… as there is not a “disorder” in which to place him…
one day at a time…
we enjoy life…
hoping for a Normal day…
As I find the words…
I will share our story…
but today …
I will give you a small peek into our world…
from the 20/200 perspective…
He needs to be a little closer to things than most kids…
just to see it…
Sammy “gets in your face”… so he can see…
He doesn’t see the stars…
or the birds in the sky…
he doesn’t see rainbows…
or mountains in the skyline…
he misses many of the things we enjoy looking at…
he doesn’t see very well more than 4 feet away…
he might catch shapes, colors, voices… from a distance…
he relies on his hearing…
it is amazing!
he does very very well…
most folks don’t even notice…
but the mommy does…
every minute…
I see him…
not see…
it breaks the mommy’s heart…
but the mommy is glad…
that he can see…
the mommy is glad he adapts so well…
the mommy is happy to slow down and help him see the world …
by pointing out things very clearly…
and giving him more time to find things..
the mommy is glad he can get in my face and see my eyes…
and my smile…
he is happy…
and doesn’t notice the difference too much…
he is ok with how God made him…
I am sure there will be many heart aches…
and many disappointments…
there already has been…
we choose to look at the bright side …
and see the world as God granted it…
our daily life is as normal as normal can be…
mostly! =)
You’ll never hear me tell him he is sitting “too close” to the TV…
Anyway… low vision makes school a little harder… things need to be larger print…
It is curriculum planning time…
for next year…
you see…
While big sister attends public school down the road…
Sammy and I attend classes at a pretty cool public school program for home schooled kids….
He gets to take cool classes…
with smaller class sizes…
just one hour at at time…
we attend for 3 or 4 hours a week…
other mom’s stay and help…
I always stay in class…
Sammy needs a little extra one on one…
and the teachers love the help!
He has taken story telling, winter wonders, creative continents, units on sea life, famous people, history of flight, tumbling,art… the choices are endless and fun!
For 3-4 hours a week he is in a classroom full of kids… enjoying school… with other home schooled kids…
the rest of the week… we work on basic education… and fun projects here at home…
the program is designed to help purchase curriculum for our kids…
huge blessing!
at the end of the year it goes back into their library…
win. win.
This time of year I start surfing curriculum…
looking for low vision friendly materials…
it is a daunting task folks…
looking for materials that my little man can see…
clear pages…
with contrast to help words pop …
clear font…
good spacing…
large print is helpful…
less time on the copy machine for this mommy is welcomed…
the copy machine and I are tight!!
let me show you…
In order for him to see those tiny little numbers on those clocks…
so he can learn to tell time…
I make them bigger…
from 8 1/2 by 11 to 11 by 17
150% usually does the trick…
the little guy had no chance of seeing which of those black and white copied coins where which…
until mommy made them bigger…
you know how cooking takes way longer than eating…
copying takes way longer than solving the problems…
I am just sayin…
Reading materials are hard to find in large print …
so I search…
I seek…
I look…
lucky me …
I found these great workbooks…
filled with vowel sounds, word families, blends, etc…
but they are awfully small print…
no worries…
mommy makes it bigger…
with the help of my bud…
Mr. Copier…
if it helps my little man to learn a little easier…
I will do it…
I will surrender my time…
He is worth it…
watching Sammy learn to read a little easier…
I am ok with that…
hello again Mr. Copy Machine…
if my little man needs bigger numbers on his math pages…
I will make them bigger…
if it helps him not fall behind…
I am there!
Me again Mr. Copy Machine…
Hope you aren’t too tired…
bigger language arts worksheets…
I got ya covered kid!
countless little large print books…
hours of my time…
minutes of his to read them…
I am ok with it..
ya know…
we are going to pass them on…
and another mommy might be blessed by the books I made…
but Sammy being blessed by them is enough!
I will keep making them if it helps him to become a good reader!
Sometimes I am lucky and I find materials that don’t exactly need to be enlarged…
the color on the pages…
the font…
the spacing….
is just enough…
to help little man navigate through the pages…
Thank you Critical Thinking…
Bless you!
and This note book…
with clean lines for handwriting…
helps little man stay on the line he is working on.. a little better… too many lines confuses him sometimes…
I love this paper!
Hand Writing without Tears…
Thank you!
Since curriculum ordering time is coming up…
and since those workbooks need to be turned into the library soon… I need to finish enlarging materials with Mr. Copier soon…
and I have some “paper work” to do…
just a few books to assemble…
and a little research to do…
Sometimes I get a little weary…
and then I look into this little face….
and I remember that there is nothing I would rather do with my time…
I see the world a little differently with Sammy in it… Thank you Lord!
(in case you were wondering… my little girl love loves being in public school… and is doing A+ work… she loves her friends and teachers.. other wise… I would totally home school her too… for now… she is content… and I am ok with that !)