3 nights and 3 days

The Fun began Friday about 4:00 pm

Five Canadian relatives rolled into our driveway

and for 3 nights and 3 days

life was all about being enjoyed


It All Started With Pot Roast

Perfect Pot Roast

not one but

Have I mentioned  little girl LOVES Pioneer Woman’s recipes??

LOVES them!

She requested about 5 recipes from her cookbook b/c

she wanted to share the yummy goodness we have found with her cousins!  =)

they were loved by all

and have become our family favorites already!

Bless You Ree!

we might have enjoyed a few other PW recipes

over the course of the weekend

I might have added a little chocolate powder to them…maybe…

and for breakfast I might have made a billion  of these

Yes they are from my Pioneer Woman Cooks Cookbook! =)

A billion I tell you ~ her pancakes were a HUGE hit!!

We were not surprised ~ as we LOVE Edna Mae’s Sour Cream Pancakes!!

At some point in our married family life

Mr. McGenius started making crepes for the kids on weekends

He googled a crepe recipe

and it quickly became a family favorite

he has a secret ingredient

I made crepes as a pre-teen kid ~ back in the day!

but we didn’t have this sweet goodness

we used cooked berries or apples with cinnamon sugar – yum!


Would you like to know what else we did besides eat!

I love that the cousins are such good friends

They are all about the same age

There is always Loads of giggling

and very little arguing! =)

Sweet Blessings to have cousins for good friends!



6 of those babies were going at any given time ~

and the grown ups were included in the fun! =)


Grown ups allowed  1/2 hour a day

per kid (times 5 kids mind you!)

It rained a fair amount this weekend!  =)

don’t worry the “techy time” was only part of the fun!

I see I spelled it wrong

nice  =)

do you know I home school?  =)

I love this game!  it is Great for little minds!

here is the box in case you want to buy it!

Sammy made this treasure ALL BY HIMSELF

a month ago…

and he had a fall

tears were welling up

accidents happen

no worries ~ he was repaired =) whew!


I may have bribed the kids to sit down

and draw ~ since they seemed to want techy time A LOT =)

I might have offered them candy

to draw  detailed pictures

from books I recently acquired from the library

See the beautiful art

that was created from bribing candy

these WONDERFUL books

One might think I was obsessed captivated by The Pioneer Woman’s blog

since my posts seem to have her name ALL over them!

I heart Ree ~ she inspires good food and good reading in my house!

I will link you to her post on these books later in the week!

I have only peeked at them and I LOVE them! =)

Thank you Ree!


We did Make it Outside a little

The kids had a great time together




on a giant tire we found

and jumping some more

because the mom’s wanted fun pictures

don’t worry ~ they had fun doing it! =)

these pics were taken by my sister in law

I took some too ~ but hers were my favorite!

I am not posting faces of my husbands family~

as they haven’t seen my blog yet (5 months later) =)

I was trying to get my feet off the ground first

(ha ha)

maybe I will send them this link

and get permission to post faces in the future?! =)

anyway ~

the kids always have SO much FUN together

inside or outside

It is fun hanging around with their cousins!

Even Merlin had a GREAT weekend with family here

Dang ~ Merlin is Sooooo darn CUTE! =)


This morning we waved goodbye

as they drove out of the driveway



and we will carry on

with life as we know it.


Goodbye Wags ~ we love ya!


for the next 24-48 hours (minus sleeping)

I plan on blog hopping ~ to catch up with ya all!

in all my spare “blogging time”

when I am not

painting sets for Abby’s class play

or cooking dinner

or doing laundry

or washing dishes

or walking the pooch

or playing taxi mom

or forcing kids to bathe

or enforcing education!


see ya around blog land!

Jenn’s List ~

While I am on the subject of Frog and Toad… (kinda)

since I have not posted in 3 days?

Jenn ~ hello ~ where are you?

what is wrong with me? =)

let me tell you.

This man was brilliant!  I LOVE his books.

I have read them to my kids since they were too young to remember!

I am not distracted

I promise

you see

Today and Yesterday and the day before~

I woke up feeling like Toad.

Toad is grumpy.  and lazy.

and well ~ I was tired too.

My husbands sister and her clan are on their way to our house right now ~

from BC, Canada…a 4-5 hour drive…

they are planning to have a fun rainy day in Seattle on their way down.

which buys me at least 3 more hours =)

anyway TODAY ~ I don’t have time to be tired, grumpy, lazy etc.

All  week I have had this mental list ~

of a billion things I need to do

in order to host a family of five for the whole weekend

especially since my “guest room” is my one and only family~ living room! =)

So I have had this list in my head…

but I did not really tap into much this week

Since I was being Toad-ish all week…

So this morning…

I had to do this

Jenn sat in bed… and wrote a list

just like toad’s


he is so smart to write wake up on his list

and then cross it off…

smart Toad ~ that is why I like him so much =)

Toad’s list was way more fun than mine

I have one or two of those things on my list


I DID wake up

and cross it off  =)

I forgot to write a few things


*write a funny blog post*

or eat breakfast

make lunch

eat lunch

I left off the simple things

what is wrong with me?! =)

oh ~

maybe because I wrote my list after only having ONE  mug of coffee!

maybe I should drink a gallon! =)  (yikes)


I am crossing things off my list


wake up kid

wake up other kid

mommy is making your ovaltine milk

don’t judge me …

it has vitamins in it  =)

hang on I am crossing this off my list


now the real fun begins

i forgot a few things on my list

but my mental list is kicking in now


*crack open this book

do you recognize it?

I have this thing about book sleeves

i hate them

my daughter has requested I make a few things from this sweet book

for the cousins and their parents while they are here

I think she wants them for herself too

since she asks for this recipe EVERY DAY

not kidding folks. every day.  its true.  ask Mr. McFunny.


the scones are my idea.

I need them. really.

and little requested these

I guess I need sour cream

LOTS of sour cream

put it on the list =)

and she really wants  these


what do you think I am kid?

a cooking baking machine?

but YUM

I can do it


never mind the cousins will ask for Uncle Wally’s  nutella crepes

better buy more Nutella! and eggs!

Wally  is mr. mcfunny’s other nick name

My mental list DOES include grocery shopping

since my fridge is bare

really bare =)

AND there are  no bones in the cupboard either

Thank you Mother Hubburd for giving your dog the last bone! rude.

I guess I need to add a roast, butter, flour, butter, flour,

butter and flour to my shopping list!

never mind we are almost out of TP!

you can’t have 9 people in your house with no TP!!

What I am trying to say is

I am sorry I have been neglecting my blog

and well your blogs too

very unlike me to go 3 days without posting or reading much!

I have been so  busy

Cleaning …


no small affair when you REALLY let your house go recently..

what is wrong with me??

just call me Toad.

anyway Sammy’s room needed to be cleaned

2 cousins sleep in there with him

and play.

you couldn’t even walk in there!!

these pictures are about 2 hours into the process ~ darn!!

why did I forget to take pictures earlier?!

embarrassment?  =)

on our way into the sorting room

seriously he has more little tiny things than his sister

reptiles, lego, tinker toys, kinex, cars, marbles, animals, playmobile, did I say LEGO?

at what age shall I expect Sammy to be able to sort all by himself??

so many tiny toys


keep in mind the kid’s vision is 20/200 ~

not 20/20.



we also FINALLY talked the kids into letting us remove slides from the their beds

WAY more room to roam!!

and we spent a couple hours cleaning their rooms with them

well… mostly I just vacuumed Abby’s room

and she “cleaned”

well… she really didn’t clean

she piled everything onto shelves, toy boxes, and tables…

she picked things up off the floor  =)

getting closer to independent cleaning!!

at least her and the girly cousin can sleep on a clean floor!


I neglected your blogs so I could clean 3 of these as well

we have one living area and 3 bathrooms??

what is wrong with builders these days?

how much time does one spend in each of those rooms

you do the math.

hello!!    =)


So honestly ~

I love ya all ~

I don’t mean to neglect ya all!

while I was sorting, cleaning and scrubbing…

I just have this g-i-norm-ous list that I have been tackling

so that I am not TOO embarrassed when my husbands family arrive later today!

*hey do you think I should tell my in-laws that I blog?  =)

5 months later?

wow ~ I have been blogging 5 months!!

time flys when you are having fun! eh?!  =)


please forgive me =)

I have been busy

tackling my real list

OK ~ it is 10 am

I need to say goodbye for the weekend ~

I am about to tackle the worst part ~

the counter!  ugh!


why can I not keep THIS COUNTER clear of clutter?!!


I need this counter with 9 people in my house!!!

The counter mess ….

it overflows

onto 3 ~ yes 3 ~ book shelves just to the left of THE counter ~


and then ~ I must go buy my butter and TP

and cook

and bake

and bake

you see

the smell of baking

makes up for any dust bunnies that I probably left behind

the end.

see y’all on Monday

unless I sneak a few minutes to check in

in between shopping, chopping, cooking, baking, baking and baking.


i am done


The magic of Snail Mail ~

If you love to give or receive Mail

~ REAL Mail ~

in your mailbox

Then This Snail Mail Project

that Cyndy started recently

is a wonderful reason to pull out your stamps!

You can read about it on Cyndy’s blog

Putting the Fun in DysFUNctional

I have always wanted an old mailbox like this

there is something lovely about opening that kind of mailbox.

or flipping up the flag when you send mail~

when I was little

we had a black, letter sized mailbox

right on the front porch

you know the kind with the news paper hooks on the bottom!?!

I loved checking the mail as a kid!

later…In my 20’s

I lived in a couple of different old houses

the kind where the mailman slipped the mail through a slot

and it fell right onto the beautiful wood floors!

the sound of the metal flap squeaking open

the letters hitting the floor

and the metal flap banging back against the door again…


I can just just see Merlin now !!

where was I??

Right ~ The Snail Mail Project!

I immediately thought what a wonderful way to get to know a new friend.

Remember in the days when you were young in the 70’s ~

we called them Pen Pals!!  =)

I did not even have to think about it ~ I mean really ~

Frog was  willing to cheer up his best friend Toad

by sending him a letter

by snail mail service

even though he sees Toad every day!

How sweet is that?!

Then of course I can brighten up the day of a new friend

and since I am a “rule breaker”

I might just add a new personal challenge

Each time I send my new blog friend mail

I will send something cheery to an existing friend!

Sneaky Fun!!

So I signed up with Cyndy’s Snail Mail Project

and yesterday I found out who MY Snail Mail friend is

Dina at 4 Lettre Words

We exchanged addresses yesterday ~

I can’t wait to find fun ways to brighten her day

with something simple in her mailbox!

I wonder what kind of mailbox she has?! =)


Doesn’t this sound Fun?!

What a beautiful way to encourage others!

Click here to join the fun!

Cyndy will connect you with a new snail mail friend too!

Please Tell Cyndy I sent you!!

Thank you Cyndy for encouraging us to brighten up someone’s day

with something as simple as a letter!


Now if you will excuse me

I have some treasure hunting to do

and an address book to dust off!

I don’t want to keep my Snail Mail friend waiting!

~ Jenn ~

It started with a weed or two~

I woke up today with the itch to get out and weed…

I love weeding

my body on the other hand

does not!

but I started weeding this flower bed anyway..

the one that I redo every other season!

Have I mentioned I have trouble with decorating?

I think that applies to flower bed decorating too…

notice all that open space I need to fill…


I don’t want to talk about that part!

girls can be so indecisive sometimes!

I have changed this flower bed sixteen hundred times

in the short 3 years we have owned this house!

I don’t really want to talk about how I ended up

ripping up these stones either!

what was I thinking?!

did you notice how many there are?

go ahead… go back and look …

well … the picture doesn’t really show exactly how many there were!

don’t let the size of those stones fool ya ~

those suckers are heavy when you are a wimp old out of shape

well… they are just heavy ok!

and if your dad offers you “old” stones from his yard

don’t say yes

just don’t.

So I weeded  AND  removed all the stones

for Mr. McGardener to haul to the back for me

since I seem to need them back there now…

SO ~ while I was grooming that flower bed…

Mr. McGardener was weeding and edging this front bed for me!

apparently I like Linear landscaping…


and this

this is the builders idea of a front porch…

so this area is waiting

waiting for me to talk Mr. McGardener into taking up concrete pouring!

to make this weird little  porch a little tiny bit bigger… =)

Anywho ~ While Mr. McGardener was busy moving all those stones

I moved to the side of the house to weed out my lilac beds

they used to be 3 little round circles around the base of the plants

apparently I wanted another linear flower bed instead


The middle lilac is a 9 year old lilac

grown from a shoot from my mom’s lilac the year she died

That lilac will move with me wherever I go


not that I am moving anytime soon

even though I do have the itch =)

I shouldn’t talk about it

or Mr. McGrumpy will hear. =)

speaking of Mr. McGrumpy…

he finished hauling my stones to the back

and was busy edging and weeding a couple beds in the back for me…

like this one

That holds this beauty

Keys of Heaven

ain’t she lovely!!

it is also the one

that holds the apple trees

that you can hardly see

that the deer ATE down to the bone

STUPID lovely deer who need to eat

but really could ya eat something else besides my fruit trees?!!

there will be no apples this year


not even a few baby ones like I had last year



and this

and this

is what I have left

instead of this

and this.


Good bye Gala apple tree…


I needed the bricks in the back

so I could change this area

where Merlin likes to dig

and Nana likes to leave her dead mouse heads

among other nasty dead things


I did THIS with THAT area today…

apparently I went with a linear look




Tomorrow if the rain stays away…

I will make a few little raised beds under that window

in hopes of keeping a kitty

and her dead things

out of that area!!

and hopefully keep that dog

and his paws from mischief!

This ridiculously long post about nothing

wouldn’t be complete with out a little Merlin mischief

Bad dog Merlin!!

This guy…

The tired grumpy one…

He worked hard for me today ~ edging, weeding, shoveling, hauling and dumping!  I forgot to take a picture of  another long linear bed in the back that he worked on… I think we each tackled three beds… six in all.

Thank you darling Mr. !!


now if you will excuse me now

felling a little tired


hosted by Cyndy at Putting the Fun in Dysfunctional

Mr. Mailman, Bring me a post card ~ update ~

On April 27th

I wrote a blog post about our Post Card project ~

We started studying the 50 States and Capitals in January ~ and as I was pulling the lessons together I found a little project that someone had written to Family Fun Magazine about ~ they started by writing family and friends ~ asking for postcards to see if they could collect all 50 states!  What a fun way to enhance our study of the States!!  My husband (aka. my kids daddy) is Canadian… which makes our kids American and Canadian .. naturally we decided to learn a bit about each Province too… and Sammy is in a class about the 7 continents… so …well… we threw those into our project too!

You can see my original post about this fun project HERE. =)  Where I asked Bribed my blog friends to send us post cards from your State or travels you happen to be taking!

A few of my lovely readers have sent us post cards already ~

The kids were SO excited!!!

We want to say a special Thank you to :

Pennie From Mom Thoughts

She was the first reader to send us post cards

from Wisconsin!

Thank you Pennie!

Pennie has a heart of gold ~ she formed a Ministry group called SAMmy’s for mom’s ~ God has clearly blessed this ministry ~ I am blessed to have found Pennie in the land of blog!

Mr. Mailman  brought us a couple more postcards

from South Carolina ~

Aundrea and her sweet family sent us two postcards –

perfect!  one for each child!  I recently met Aundrea ~ who blogs from the heart!  I am glad to have added her to my list of new blog friends! Thank you Aundrea!!  Your clovers will be put in the mail later today!

Mr. Mailman brought us a postcard from Jennifer in Ontario Canada too !

Thank you Jennifer!!  Your 4 leaf clover is going in the mail later today too!  =)

One of my favorite home school resources is this wonderful little book.

It has clearly laid out pages with just enough facts about each state.

To satisfy the curiosity of a 1st or 2nd grader!

Sammy is 7 years old ~ and it is perfect for his age level!

Sammy uses that “globe” to enlarge smaller print…

it has a 4x zoom =)  works fantastic!

We are also using this coloring book about Canada!

it containsFabulous tid bits

(not Tim bits) =)

about Canada’s history!

I am still looking for a book with Province facts!

We have a number of other resources that are flash card style, activity pages and a national geographic book that has too much detail for his age… but we can pull a few interesting facts out of!

Anyway ~

We are still in need of MANY states ~

if you already said you would send me one

on my original post

and i never responded ~ I am SO sorry!

I stupidly posted that the day before my giveaway!!

and my email was overloaded!!  =)

I tried to respond ~ but likely did not to everyone!!


Please take a peek at the map ~ if you don’t see your state covered with a postcard~

we would LOVE to receive a post card from you too!!

I am offering (bribing you with) our cute 4 leaf clover cards

I will send them to all who send us a postcard!!  =)

and I will personally Thank you on my blog!!

If you don’t really want a 4 leaf clover ~

that is ok..

maybe you want just want to send them to bring joy

to this sweet little guy ~

and this sweet little soul…

They would be forever grateful

if you were willing to help them fill up this map!!

We are not even half way there yet!!

Please take a look and see if we need your state ~

and then leave us a comment with your email

so we can send you our address!!

Please!?!  =)

I better go pick up my little girl ~ speaking of kids!!

Thank you!

Bless you!

ta ta


Camping in Cannon Beach ~

Welcome to Sea Ranch RV Park and Stables …

site 14E

We used to stay in their cute little cabins…

but last year we had the stupid brilliant idea

that we should introduce our kids to tent camping..

besides we are on a tight budget…

especially after having my 3rd and 4th crown placed today

I don’t want to talk about it…

camping… in a tent…

that is how we roll these days… 😉

the tent master…

in his free lime green geek t-shirt from the Linux Fest 2009

Father son bonding takes place while putting up the tent…

it will be a tradition!  cute stuff!

the tent masters helper

after his job was done

and the dog keeper

the chewmaster

doing what he does best

off bad dog off



where did the dog keeper go?


the bunnies

Sea Ranch RV park has bunnies

that roam the land

and even come see if you have lettuce in your hand


its all about the bunnies in this place.

now I am just going to give my honest opinion here…

We like the Sea Ranch RV Park

We have camped there at least 8 times ~ give or take one?

but the staff are a little shy of intelligent..

we can live with that

and the horses


I feel sorry for them…

the conditions look better from farther away…

But we enjoy camping in this relatively quiet camp ground…

but the hubby had to say it…

he had to mention that we have had good luck with quiet camping trips

at the Sea Ranch RV…

not so much this time…

while we were having a quiet family campfire…

a little teensy weensy ugh… fight broke out…

cussing, screaming, crazy “high” people burst out of their motor home…

and used words I don’t care to repeat…

alas… it seemed to simmer down fairly quickly…

but while we were sound asleep…

at 1:00 am…

It happened again…

and it lasted much much longer…

just one word.


other than that little out burst…

we love camping at Sea Ranch RV Park…

but I think we will leave this guy home next time…

he is more of an indoor dog…

Just look at the poor confused dog

“is this the door to go inside”

When can I go inside?

love Merlin.

Puppy Beach Shake~

cold very cold

wet very wet











Someone didn’t exactly love the beach!

he didn’t like the cold water

the waves scared him

he wasn’t allowed to be off leash

like the big dogs

he didn’t like his pack

running around like chickens without heads

in the scary cold waves

that is

until he met the great dane

and the mommy let him off leash


He was hysterical!!

and no…

it was too darn fast to try to capture on camera!

imagine my little dude

running wild with a great dane on the  beach..

be still my heart!


I love to laugh!  😉

Find Bliss Here ~

Ya hoo

The Happiest Place on Earth!

we heart the beach!

Look at all that BLUE sky!!

Life is grand at the beach!

2 days of Sun!

with nothing to do

except have fun

a little wave jumping

looking at the tide pool creatures

What is that white dot in the center of the pink??


amazing creatures really

simple beauty

in such small creatures

thousands of them!


just a few of these =)

There were hundreds of

gulls flying free in the breeze

hours of entertainment

Surrounded by God’s beautiful creations

Hours and hours of fun!

Mothers Day was windy windy

great for the kite flying =)

Can you imagine?

I wish I lived there!!  =)

I love the smell of the salty, sea air…

ah ha ha ha ha

(wish we could take the credit for building that!)

Cannon Beach =

Hours of Bliss!

Sun Kissed faces …

Sandy feet and all!


I heart Cannon Beach!~

Thank You Wally for the Fabulous Mothers Day “present”


Thank you Lord for making Cannon Beach!

Cannon Beach Just Called…

Apparently there is a therapy appointment open


I may have told the hubby that going to Cannon Beach

is the ONLY thing I want for Mothers Day!

and if we camp..

it is in our budget…

our after and in between my expensive dental work budget!!

Little blessings!!

I will take the beach any way I can get it right now!!

We are taking “that Dog” with us…

Hope he doesn’t chew up the tent…

or our sleeping bags…

or our pillows…

or… or… or…

it doesn’t matter…….

I heart the beach!!

My happiest Place in “my” real world!!  =)

I will be unplugged until Sunday night!

I will look forward to reading all about your Mother’s Day weekends!!

Happy Mothers Day Ladies!!

ta ta ~  Jenn ~

Pet Care ~ Girl Scout style ~

It all started with a lot a little planning …

Abby love love LOVES animals…

So this Badge was perfect for her…

I think her favorite part of the planning was this

The wee little lunch bag memory book…

A couple months ago Abby helped a younger troop

with their Pet Care Try-It..

and she did these memory books with them…

made out of lunch bags…

I can actually say do you remember this post now!! ??  =)

how exciting.. I have blog history now!


My least favorite part was “adding up the cost of a pet”…

invoice after invoice after invoice

*shudder*  =)

of course that is barely a peek into the planning that took place…

y’all get the idea, right!?

We spent hours and hours and HOURS planning…

OK… so a lot of the hours went into

the cutting of the scrapbook paper..

and the stickers, and ribbons, etc. etc.

What was I thinking???

That is what a good mommy does right?!  =)

Every spare minute in the last 2 days

were spent planning and refining the

Pet Care meeting…

including making dog bone cookies…

I used Ree’s Angel Sugar cookie recipe of course!

Looks promising!


yeah… not so much!

no worries…

we cut them again…

cute cute!

Yesterday afternoon the girls gathered


in a little circle so I could take a picture of their shoes

nothing to do with pet care really… just cute


We were outside waiting to pet the Therapy Dog …


Taz goes to schools to help kids who are struggling to focus on reading…

Taz’s owner came to tell the troop about Therapy dogs … and horses actually!

Therapy Dogs go into hospitals, nursing homes and schools…

These dogs  have clients that they “cheer up” …

it is a wonderful program ~

if you have a dog and want to help people in your  community ~

We are seriously considering it!

One day we might even volunteer to help

with our local Horse Therapy program too…

and maybe enroll  Sammy in the program …

it helps low muscle tone…

which Sammy has…

anyway… another incredible program!    just pricey!! =)

SO …

After a lesson in Therapy Dogs and Horses…

the girls went inside and

My little girl Lead the rest of the meeting!

she was nervous at first…

but she relaxed a little!

She even shined a little!

Well Done Abby!!

She really enjoyed asking the girls questions

and picking who got to answer!  =)

funny girl ~ likes power I guess!

Of course Making the Memory Books was a huge success!

The girls enjoyed creating their own scrapbook for their pets!

Abby is Making hers for Nelly…

Her lost kitty ~

Yesterday morning Abby finally had  a tiny let down about it ~

It has been more than 4 weeks now ~

It is hard to say goodbye to a pet that there isn’t really closure for…

Abby will make somethings special to remember Nelly by instead…

Maybe that will help her little broken heart to heal?

We loved that darn missing kitty!!

The memory book will be a very special book for her.


Abby didn’t originally get the Pet Care Badge as “her meeting” to plan…

that is another long story!

But God knew…

WAY back in September it would be perfect for her…

to do in May.


events took place that ended up giving

Abby that badge to plan…

and In an unexpected odd sort of way…

Running The Pet Care Badge meeting

is helping her accept one of many disappointments in life …

a little easier.



I did not plan this post to turn out quite that deep…

funny how the words flow around the pictures sometimes!


Hope you all have a Wonderful Mothers Day!!

if I don’t make it back here before then!!

I am working on the hubby to take us all to the beach for the day!!

wish me luck! =)

ta ta
