
S occer Game for my Girl

A nimal walking

T esting Pumpkin Scone Recipes

U n-decorating my house from a birthday party last week

R unning … (I am NOT a runner FYI. )

D ying from Running  =)

A girly date with my daughter

Y esterdays projects to finish!

S A T U R D A Y .

What are you doing today?!


Do you ever get an itch?

THAT itch

The one where you just HAVE to do what ever IT is

in order to satisfy THAT itch?

My itch almost Always involves PAINT

*sigh*  =)

I love color

Every room in my house has one coat of color

yes I said one

I am the girl who never gets around to the second coat

I am the girl who never gets around to the trim

Things are always half done in my house  *ugh**

I drive myself up the WALL!



back to my itch

they usually appear when I feel overwhelmed

there you have it

I am overwhelmed right now

crazy that pulling out projects and PAINT helps, eh?!

September is my “busy Month”

Birthday, back to school, HOURS of enlarging materials, sorting materials, etc. etc.  the dog, soccer, music lessons, homework, the girl scout stuff… the Winterizing of the yard,  Halloween costumes are being discussed… it all happens in Sept!

complain, complain, whine, wine  ….hm… wine?


the itch comes

the paint comes out

my stress magically disappears!

So …

for the rest of my week

I am switching gears

Satisfying the itch

Purging my stress

Refreshing myself!

I wonder if it has anything to do with the loud praise and worship music I play when I paint?    =)

Want a sneak peek of my plans?

4 days

I have four days…

an OLD crib board and some PAINT

the treasure box and some PAINT

a couple hooks and some PAINT

more hooks and some PAINT

my mom’s old sewing stool and some PAINT (and fabric)

a cheap chalkboard, scrabble letters and some PAINT!

Can you figure out what that will say?

I will give you a hint

it is 2 words

I think I NEED to go back to the dollar store and buy more


Oh the fun I could have with them!!  =)

What kind of  itch do you get?

is it the same itch every time?


if you will excuse me

I have an itch to scratch!!  =)

ta ta!


Seriously, I have better things to do…

MERLIN!  Good Grief!!

This is how my morning is going today!!

“look mama I unstuffed the bear you gave me”

(crazy blurry dog)

“Look mama I LOVE my new kitty you gave me”

I don’t even want to talk about how disturbing this sight is!!



why why must you do this to my floor EVERY day?!

seriously having Merlin is like having a destructive toddler!

Since he was being so crazy

and I wasn’t really getting much home schooling

or blogging done

I took the Monster outside

and got distracted by these

so I went back in with said monster dog

to get my broken camera and try to photograph them!

that one is hard to see

but this one…


I hate spiders… but I love seeing their webs!

Spiders are my least favorite thing about Fall…

unless I get to capture a few fun photos

(with my broken camera! not bad broken camera!)

anyway… Mr. Destructive Monster found these

all. over. the yard.


He ate this seconds after I clicked the photo!~

the ground webs were even in the tress

I think we have about 20 webs around our small property this dewy morning!

So our home schoolin started outside

with the nudging of our destructive dog!~


breathe in

breathe out

10:00 we head in

I get Sammy started on some Math

turn on my computer to blog a bit

and I find a new blog friend Right here in my home town

well.. OK … technically she found me…

Hi Katie!

so as I am happily emailing back and forth with her

instead of writing my post for the day…


is doing this

Seriously ~ what  on earth?!!

Bed Shredder!

Destructive Dog!!


he does this to my house EVERY DAY!!!

stuffing, socks, cardboard, newspaper, toilet paper

WILL I EVER get a GRIP on this??!

I can’t crate him ALL day!!!

and then he started barking at me

jumping up at me at the table


I am LOOSING my patience!

Sammy is not getting much school work done this year

b/c Merlin is going through Summer withdrawals (apparently?)

So I give up and give the kid a snack

and this is where he goes with it…

it must be under 66 degrees in the house  =)

CAn you see the little human foot under there?

and of course MERLIN has to beg for the snack

under the curtain!!  too funny!

Sammy was “warming up” his puffed corn (fake popcorn) snack

on the vent



I give up!!

I am going to take Sammy to a class now …

and come back in a couple hours …

hopefully to a calmer dog?!!

I think I will walk him while Sammy is in his HOUR long class!!?!!

Seriously … do you think I can wear out this monster of mine in ONE hour?

Maybe if I RUN him…

I’ll be back in a couple hours!


D is for

A retired Dump Truck

That my 8 year old boy didn’t touch At. All.  this past summer.

Heart Breaking.

D is for Delighted Little man

holding his New DSi xl from his grandparents…

right next to his old DS lite we gave him last Christmas…

see the difference in the size of the screen !!!

For the boy who sees at 20/200 …  Perfect!

D is for ….

Daisy, Daisy give me your answer Do…

I’m half crazy

All for the love of you…

D is for ….

Drippy Drippy Drops

Falling Water Drops

falling down down down

D is for DOG TIRED


which is what I am right now.

Dog Gone Tired.

off to Dream Land!!

The Letter D is brought to you by

Have a Delightful Day!!

Jenn~ D.  😉

Embarrassing Moments Can Happen A N Y W H E R E


I will get to THAT in a minute!

One WEEK out of the year…

My week is ALL about The Birthday Kid.

she is NOT going to love me for posting this picture!

we will hash it out in therapy later in life.



One week out of the year I bust my hiny planning, making crafts, buying supplies, sewing, baking, decorating, putting my heart and soul into SPOILING the birthday kid!

Don’t get me wrong… I LOVE it…

I love planning Fun Birthdays that my kids will ALWAYS remember!

I thrive on it!

I love these little cake pop cones we made for Abby’s class at school

even though they were A LOT of work

the kids in my little girls class were MORE than impressed!

and a few of the teachers were too!!

she gave one to all her past teachers  =)

I think I am currently the COOLEST mom in the 5th grade

(for a day)   ha ha ha

Abby’s birthday was partly themed around cake pops

so I busted my hiny practicing and practicing making Owl cake pops…

so we would be experts at making them during her party…

which was also themed for an OWL book series…

The Guardians of Ga’Hoole by Kathryn Lasky

SO ~ I  Also busted my hiny this week making cute little owl finger puppets at night…

in all my spare time  =)

Aren’t they adorable?

Sorry they are blurry…

I can’t live like this… with a broken camera… it is KILLING me!

I should have used my old slr film camera!  *ugh*


So ALL week I  busted my hiny for Abby’s Fun Cake Pop/Owl Themed party…

buying all the supplies to decorate with owls,  finding owl birthday presents, spent hours and hours baking those darn cake pops (I love them really!) …. I spent sleepless nights cutting felt, hot gluing and sewing those cute little puppets… yada yada yada ( I am just saying… I busted my hiny all week ONE more time, K?!)


Lucky us ~

The wonderful Film Producing folks came out with A Guardians of Ga’Hoole movie!!

The day after Abby’s birthday… the day of her party!!   hoot hoot!

So we went to it OF COURSE!

Yesterday… There we were… in the Movie Theater… the day of Abby’s party…

I was happily snapping away blurry pictures of the birthday crew

with my broken camera

that has  no view screen at all…

hoping they were turning out…


I was happily taking pictures in front of this GIANT display

of the little ladies standing with the characters in the movie (and the books)

when the Manager of the Theater came over

He asked the Girls  if they had read the books

We told him the Birthday girl read 14 of the 15 books

**proud of my little book worm**

He said “OH who is the Birthday Girl” … and then wished her a Happy Birthday.

We told him She was OVER the MOON about being at the opening of the movie…

That  is when he asked us if we would like to go home with the above mentioned

GIANT display!

WOW… YES… YAY!!  Squeals of delight and laughter.

I told the girls he deserved a hug … and they all actually hugged him!!!  ha ha!

He immediately called a staff member  over to take down said GIANT display

to shrink it to “almost” fit in our Honda CRV!  =)


the manager disappears

and we carry on taking more blurry pictures in front of the Giant display

with my broken camera

before they “break it down” for us…


at which point I walk backwards while snapping pictures…

I would like to stop and mention I was wearing my flip flops

b/c I refuse to believe summer is over….

and then it happened…

In a quick second I backed into one of those poles with the ropes on them

and all of a sudden I was FLYING in the air…


FLAILING arms and legs…

with a death grip on my broken camera…

I fell.  HARD.

Right there in the middle of the theater!

on my BUTT!  aka my hiny!

It wasn’t pretty folks!


if only I could crawl under a rock and hide!  FOREVER.

At that moment you have 2 choices

Laugh or Cry.

Choose laughter… it helps ease the pain.

in your ego that is.

Not so much the Pain in your hiny!!

or your hips, your shoulder, your back and your wrist…

Can you all say OUCH…

I laid there on the floor of the theater with a million pairs of eyes on me…

laughing… wishing I could bury my head in a pillow and cry!!  ha ha!

Alright. Fine.  There weren’t a million people.

Really there were only 15-20 employees.

Fine. Maybe there were only 5-10.

One gal asked from across the huge room if I was ok…

Through my own embarrassed laughter I told her my pride was hurt

more than my hiny!   (I lied)

I HAD to laugh.

Along with every single employee in sight of the display!  ** sigh**

Not only am I the crazy lady who fell in the theater…

making myself the laughing stock of the whole town …

There in the theater I BUSTED MY HINY ….

all for the love of my little girls birthday!  ha ha ha

and then…

I drove away with the GIANT  display hanging half out the back of my SUV…

So that a Million people in the parking lot could stare, point and LAUGH at me



I did ALL that for my Little Girl!!

Happy Birthday Abby!   I Love you!!

Memories made for a life time!!

A day she will never forget!

bawha ha ha ha


After reassembling the Giant display at home

we went inside for a little cake pop fun…

with our “Guardians” watching over us…

Seriously the party was a huge success…

Never Mind that My BUTT Hurts!!   =)


the Manager came out of the back shortly after my scene

with posters for all the girls too!!

He really rolled out the RED CARPET for my girl!!  =)

if you will excuse me now

I need to go ice my hiny!


Do you See What I “C”

Morning Coffee

in my favorite wedding gifts…

Denby mugs

Coffee Tastes Better in a favorite mug… did you know that?

Clawing Cat

one dollar gold Coins

brought to you by the tooth fairy

one coin per tooth =)

11 x 17 enlarged photo Copies

that Consume my life in September

as I begin to home school my little man with low vision!

and that is only the BEGINNING of our copies!!

September is a CRAZY  month!  *sigh*

I am not complaining… =)

Colorful Crayons





Cool Capture

how many spiders do you see?

I happened upon this spider spinning his Capture

while the sun was in just the right position

to give me a great shadow!


Speaking of Capture

I caught this thief

stealing Applesauce

right out of the cupboard

yes… there are in fact 4 applesauce containers

still in the packaging!

For Crying Out loud

Will he ever out grow that?!!! 



Speaking of September being my CRAZY month

if you will exCuse me

I have some Cake pop iCe Cream Cones to make!  =)

Tomorrow is my little girls Birthday !!

much to do!!

I might not be back around much until Saturday!

Have a SpeCtaCular week!


The Letter C was brought to you by Barb Phillips Alphabet Shoot Photo Challenge

Next week I hope to join the fun earlier in the week!  they are weekly challenges… nice!

Cake Pops Trial ~ Take 2

Guess how Take 2 went??


End of a Long Day…

Embarrassing photos of myself…


thanks Hubby!!

Can you say a little frustrated?

I don’t know why he did not listen when I said

“Go AWAY” !!

Apparently he found my facial expressions

and my frustrated obnoxious noises funny!


Despite the frustration

of putting TOO much frosting in our cake pops

Never mind that I have the book in my hot little hands

and I could have read that you only need 3/4 of the can of frosting

BEFORE I made them!


I am a “peek” at the instructions kinda girl

and sometimes I regret  it!


I prefer to learn hands on… ya know?

Do you think Bakerella would come to my house

and give me a personal hands on training before Friday? =)


I learned her real name after I brought home her book!


Some of our decorating turned out really cute…

despite all the drama and madness!

Hoot Hoot ~ Cute Cute!

Ignore the fact that there was TOO much frosting in the cake pops

and they kept falling off the sticks b/c they were too soft

Never mind I couldn’t shake the excess candy melt stuff off properly

with the same ease as Bakerella in THIS VIDEO

Because  I tapped the stick and not my wrist…

maybe they would have turned out smoother

and not fallen off the stick ~ IF I had paid attention to DETAIL!



So what if you look closely at the tummy and it looks lumpy, right?

Who cares if the candy writers didn’t really work

we can use candy for the feet!

They are for 10 year old little girls…

they don’t care  and besides… those were TEST pops!

I/we tried making the cupcake cake pops as well…

Can you say…

DISASTER!!  Oh My Word !! =)


Oh well…

we just cut the tops off

RE-froze them and dipped them as flowers!

Cute ~ not what we wanted but CUTE!

We “might” try to make the cupcake ones again…

on the day of the party

why not?

We can always teach the girls to “go with the flow”

and if they are not working…

we can cut the tops off and dip them as flowers!

Life lessons at a birthday party…ha!

Just Smelling the Roses… on a bumpy road!

snicker snicker!

That’s my Story and I am sticking to it!



We are very happy with the ones that turned out ~ for the most part!!!

If we could just get the cake inside to cooperate and keep them on the sticks

NOW that I realize  EXACTLY which instructions/details I OVERLOOKED  =)


Wanna See What I did with half the cake balls at 8:30 pm last night??

it felt OH SO rewarding!

especially after my self inflicted disasters!

I was SO DONE!  =)

Tomorrow (today) Will be a Fresh start!

But I think I will make felt finger puppet owls today!  ha ha!

All joking aside this IS  exactly WHY I did trial runs!

In the End ~  We successfully learned a few important details!

Friday will be a smashing Success!


Hopefully not smashing! =)

Have a Lovely Cake Pop Free Day!


Oh and…

You all know my “vintage” camera is really NOT vintage… right!??

it is only 7- 8 years old!!

Given where technology is today…

That $500 baby is only worth a mere 50 bucks IF I am Lucky!

and Do you KNOW how hard it is to find 35mm FILM??

Cake Pop trials ~ Take One!

After bakin our cake

lettin it cool

crumblin it up

mixin in the frosting

rollin the balls

and freezin em…

it was finally time for dippin !

My little chicklet was SO ready to try her hand at it!!  =)

we didn’t have the BOOK in our possession on Friday

with all the tips on how to properly dip a cake pop

So we tried our hand at cake pop dippin

merely on mama’s memory of what I remember reading on Bakerella’s blog!!

let me tell ya…

the memory is about as sharp as a dull tack these days!

so we had a few disasters along the way


they were sliddin down the lolly pop sticks…

b/c we pushed them in more than half way…


and they were fallin off the sticks…


b/c we pulled them all out of the freezer at once

instead of putting them in the fridge

and pulling a couple out at a time!  =)

never mind that the dip was too thick for the first few

and we had to reread the packaging

to find we could “thin” it with lard

yep… lard (ew!)  =)

why? why do we like things made with lard SO much??!

*cough, cough*


we DID have a few turn out…

Cute stuff!

please don’t mind the amazing wrinkles on my hands!


In the end…

we gave up and dipped most of the balls solo

which we sprinkled and just called em cake balls!

oh wait… Bakerella calls them cake balls!!  =)

And We tried our hand at this…

and place them neatly on top of these

which we also dipped in the candy coating

after they hardened a bit

we dipped the whole top in to complete the ice cream cone

not bad, eh?!!  =)

A happy girl with a successful cake pop “ice cream”!!!

Makes the mommy’s heart all happy inside!  =)

We only used one color for the “test” ice cream pops…

but we plan on makin fancier ice cream cake pops

with white candy coating

dipped in chocolate candy coating

with sprinkles and a “cherry” on top… =)

for Abby’s birthday celebration at school this week…

Stay tuned!

Even with all our failed attempts at making the pops

and feelings of inadequacy

that I will NEVER Ever

be able to get a regular cake pop to look cute

never mind the adorable animal ones…

(they are much harder to make than you might think!!)



Even with our failed attempts at the Cake Pops…

I had to do it…

I had to try to make an owl….

just one!

not “too” bad for my first  attempt…

now remember….

they won’t be blue at the “real” birthday…

we just didn’t want to waist our precious candy melts all at once!!  =)

he turned out kinda cute for my first try…

WITHOUT the book!!!  =)

I’d give him a name …

except I already ate him!

Whoooot  Whooooot !!

Oh my word…

they are Deeeeee vine!!



I had NO idea!!

Lord help me!!

I am going to need self control this week!!

as we practice making one more round

and then make the actual ones for school party

and then the cute ones for the friend party!


Wish me luck!


I realize I really didn’t tell ya’all about my weekend…

I just couldn’t wait to share my first cake pop experience!!



AND I am just going to keep explainin this  til the sun don’t shine anymore…

I am SO SORRY my pictures are SO bad!!  bad lighting… poor quality…

smudges… poor focus… blurry…  you name it… just BAD pictures!

I am still heartbroken that I busted my camera!!  *UGH*

I mean… I should be happy….

at least it takes photos…

I could have nothing!

Focusing would be nice…

being able to actually SEE what I am taking would be lovely!

but beggers who drop their cameras can not be choosers…

especially after spending her life savings on dental work!

I promise I am not looking for pity…

just explaining WHY my pictures have significantly gone down hill in quality!!  *sigh*

I will get over it…


I will!

At least I can fall back on my “vintage” camera!

you know …

the kind with FILM!

for special times like Abby’s 10th birthday Party!!



I am done now!

Hope y’all had a great weekend!

I will tell you about mine tomorrow!  ha!

The In-laws are comin…

With all the to do’s that come along with the beginning of the school year

and the start of home schooin by little man

(which for me means HOURS in front of the photocopier enlarging materials and then bringing said enlarged 11×17 papers home in giant piles to sort and file Somehow?!!  I will capture a photo next week…)


never mind the never ending mischievous dog,

our soccer life

and well general lazYness …

all of which I blame for keeping me from normal household duties!!

With all those things in my way… ha ha…

I realize that I live A LOT messYer than I care to!  *ugh*

with that said

Nothing like having your in-laws coming to help motivate you to clean your house!

I have been tryin to sort, organize and well tidy up A LOT this week!

the piles are much more tidy and my house looks less like a tornado hit it!

can I whine???

don’t answer that…

I am tired!  that wasn’t too whinny was it??! =)


yesterday I went to the grocery store and purchased things I don’t normally buy…

so I can make a few extra special meals…

like PW’s Perfect Pot Roast … the herbs really make the roast.. she isn’t kiddin!

here is a photo from a past post about me attempting to cook Roast

you can click on the picture  to find that post about cookin it for the first time!

and you can learn to cook it by investing in her cookbook… You won’t regret it!!!

My mom used to make a yummy pull apart melt in your mouth roast!!

just sayin.. I guess it all depends on how you grow up?!  moving on…

My little girl is requesting this meal … we were please when she liked it!!

as she is one of my picky eaters… oh… one of … that means both my kids are picky eaters!

if one likes hot dogs the other does not, one likes cheese one doesn’t, one likes oatmeal one doesn’t…. life is complicated when it comes to meals… as they get older I get tougher on the suck it up buttercup attitude!!  =)   but the PW’s Roast… THEY both like!!  victory!!!

So she requested it with PW’s mashed taters… b/c it is going to be the first of probably 3 celebrations for her 10th birthday!!  and we do that… spoil the birthday person… =)  cater to their requests… you know… (within reason of course!!)

ha ha!

do ya’all do that??  take special requests on that special week celebrating them?

Do you celebrate birthdays with family and do the friend party separate??

and well…We also have a tradition…We  go out to eat the day of the birthday persons REAL birthday…. at the restaurant of his or her choice… Abby chose Subway last year… and Taco bell the year before… though I try really hard to explain that they could go to a really fancy restaurant…  the girl loves her Taco Bell and Subway!!  ha ha!  This year she might branch out and choose IHop… oh goody!  lol!  =)

I am SOOOOOOOOOO off task!

Alright… my point… My hubbys parents are comin to town… TODAY… all the way from Beautiful British Columbia, Canada!  We have some birthday celebrating… some band fun… soccer games… swimming skills to impress the grandparents with… a few surprises and good food to eat…. Busy weekend!!  I expect to see them in 2 hours or so… YIKES… I have got to get my rear in gear and start mixing, stirring, pouring, cracking, bakin, cooking, peeling, slicing, dicing, mashing, splashing (oops getting carried away!)  =)  I have some cookin to do!!  We are even going to give our CAKE POPS a trial run this weekend!!  Wish us luck!!

Cake Pops: Tips, Tricks, and Recipes for More Than 40 Irresistible Mini Treats

Bakerella style… click here to see my post about it…

click here on Bakerella to go directly to her website…

We are in Love with these adorable goodies!!  Birthday goodies in our case!!

speaking of cake pops… I hope my copy of that cookbook is in today!!  =)

This is where  I will wish you all a fabulous weekend…

maybe in the evenings I will have a little time to come by to say hi!!

On Sunday I will share some of the madness fun we had over the weekend!

have I mentioned that I have not really shared my blog with my hubby’s side of the family??  I just wanted to wet my feet… get comfortable … learn to write … I wanted time to get comfortable before I shared it with everyone I knew!  … enjoy it first… ya know?  and well… there has just never been a good time to introduce  it to them…. *sigh*

Have any of you done that??

kept your blog “quiet” to some in real life folks in your life??  =)

Maybe I will tell them about it this weekend… if it comes up?!!  ha!

I was leaving a minute ago… wasn’t I??

Have a FANTASTIC weekend y’all!

See you on Sunday night!  =)


B is for the way you look at me… (oh oops)

B is for

Boys and baseballs

Bugs  on Blue hats

ew!! I know!

my mom had this same Avon blue bottled perfume lady!

and my sisters bought her for me while junk shopping

without me !!

She was my garden mascot

until the UPS dude BROKE her!!  (ugh!)

how rude!

moving on…

B is for

Blown glass


Beautiful old Boats


Lady Washington

she was the Interceptor in the Pirates of the Caribbean

(love that movie!)

my hubby took that gorgeous photo!  =)

last but not least

B is for

Blowin’ steam

The Letter B was brought to you by…

Barb Phillips Alphabet Challenge!

Now… Click on that link

Go and See more Bloggers links

and their fabulous “takes” on the Letter B!!

