Ginger Pumpkin Cookies by Betty

I grew up with Betty.

My sister is the keeper of our momma’s 1970’s edition of Betty’s cookbook.

the old orange one we grew up using.

I wish I had a picture of it… must do that next time I am visiting my sister!

Betty … she taught me to bake.


Betty she KNOWS baking.

She does.


I still Love Betty.

Fast forward

*cough, cough*

nearly 40 years….

not that I was baking at birth… just sayin.


Now…in today’s world…

Betty makes our lives a little easier,  quicker, convenient …


Cookie mixes.

Peanutbutter, sugar, chocolate chip…

Gingerbread!  yum.

Grab your ingredients:

Betty’s Gingerbread cookie mix $1.50

Canned Pumpkin $1-3.oo (will make three  batches!!)

one egg white $. a dime a dozen

1/2 stick butter $.50 for Tillamook Butter (if you are a smart shopper)

cinnamon sugar $. free ~ it is already in the pantry

whole wheat flour $. free ~  hello…in the pantry

So ~ The package says to use one egg, 1 stick of butter and the mix.

Of Course… I did NOT follow the rules.  um… it is ME you are dealing with.

Before I tell you my fun new twist on this cookie.  I have been buying Betty’s cookie mixes to keep on hand for a couple years now… we love them.  As is!!  Really!  They are great for those times when you need cookies fast!  =)


As you know… I am a happy pumpkin baker this Fall…

Blah, blah, blah…

Here is MY twist on these already fabulous Gingerbread cookies!

Pumpkin Gingerbread Cookies

Soften the 1/2 of a  stick of butter

add a 1/2 cup of canned pumpkin

the egg white and whip them up!

then add the Cookie mix…

I like to use my pastry blender to mix the ingredients into dough … it is easy on the hands!  At this point the dough will be sticky… start adding whole wheat flour to the sticky mess and work it…  keep adding flour until you can roll it nicely… I should have measured out the flour as I added!!    just don’t over do it, m’kay?  I am guessing it was less than 3/4 of a cup??   ha ha!

I rolled it a bit sticky… and well… that is a bit frustrating…

but anyway…This is when I pull out the cinnamon sugar…

and sprinkle it all over the rolled out dough.

Then and only then is the dough ready to cut into whatever shape

or shapes that put a sparkle in your eye…

keep rollin and sprinklin until your dough is gone.

see how those cookies look dusted with flour…

don’t be fooled my friends.

Cinnamon Sugar!

Bake at 375 for 8 minutes and 33 seconds

or 9 minutes and 33 seconds.

Trust me … magic number that 33 seconds!

the later will make them a little bit crispier.

These cookies are a teeny tiny bit more heart healthy with the pumpkin, reduced butter, no yoke and added whole grain.

And they are DeeeeeeVine!!  🙂  Yum.

I made 2 batches and took them to our new bible study group…

HUGE hit!


I think they love me now.

Huge Hit!

Its beginning to feel a lot like Christmas….

Oh… One warning …

they will ask for more.

Them. Those. The other ones.

they will ALL want MORE.  =)

Be Prepared!

These Cookies will make your life Lovely… for a short period of time!  =)


I am linking a little late… yesterdays post just didn’t seem to fit!!  😉

The way “I” see It


how many rulers does one family need?  =)

One inch


You know I have to say it…  I am So IMPRESSED with my broken camera

taking a decent close up shot… blind and without the macro setting

little blessings.   ha ha.

Igloo plus a few characters and a good sense of Imagination

equals Hours of Entertainment!

do you all know Club Penguin?

We love Club Penguin… it deserves its own post one day soon!!

After taking a few pics of toys this week…

Christmas is coming soon..

I am thinking a Favorite toys from Christmas pasts ~ post!!

Be looking for it soon!

Maybe you will be Inspired to buy a featured toy for a child!??!

Club Penguin included! =)

anyway… back to the letter “I” …


for yummy cookies that I made this weekend

notice the pumpkin… I can not stop!!

please don’t take away my canned pumpkin…ha ha!

I will fill you in on the recipe details tomorrow or the next day!


incredible views

I love Olympia ~ it really is a beautiful city!

Mt Rainer can be seen from many locations in Olympia.

this view is from the new dog park 5 minutes from our house!

insert happy grin here.

interesting views

A Postcard from The State of Illinois

for our postcard project

which has been severely overlooked since June!!  =) 

A Fabulous  geography project we need to finish this Fall/Winter!

We are attempting to collect all 50 states and all Canadian provinces ..  Sammy is learning facts and locations of each state and national landmarks as the postcards arrive.  It has been a fabulous Geography project for my little home schooler!~   here is a sneak peak of our map so far!

if you will notice Indiana and Iowa are still missing …

so I couldn’t put them in my “I” post today!!  ha ha!

If you happen to notice your state without a post card…

and you want to help a little boy fill his Map…

please let me know in the comment section and we can email about it!!

I will do a blog post soon… but… while I am on the subject…

For those of you that HAVE sent in postcards since my last update… My public Thank you is WAY over due!!  forgive me?! I will link you up in my “back to school postcard update” … which is obviously WAY over due!!  Since Back to school is long gone!!  yIkes!!  *sigh*  Oh to be perfectly on the ball with things!!  ha ha!~

One day I would love to have pages on my blog…Pioneer Woman style…

she is Intelligent ya know!!

a recipe page

a photography page

a home school page

a home/decor/crafty

a babble page

that way y’all can chose your favorite topic and ignore the parts you are not interested in!   Mind you IMAGINE having to fill all those pages regularly!!  I can barely keep up with one page!!   =)

Alright… speaking of intelligent…

If I were that smart I would be in bed right now!!

See ya in the mornin!

Have an Interesting Day!


The Letter I was inspired by Barb

(and brought to you by me of course!)

Photo challenges = Fun

Lately I have been playing a bit more in the land of blog … and participating in photo challenges… though my camera has some challenges all on its own… it makes the photo challenges all that much more um… challenging.

This is the first week I am entering into the  Scavenger Hunt Sundays hosted by Ashley Sisk…  she gives you a list of 5 things to go out into the world and snap for the week… and then on Sundays you report back with the fun you have had photographing the things on the list!  Fun!!   without further ado… this weeks list:

1.  Boo

2.  Black

3.  Texture

4.  Wet

5.  Language

You will need a little history for my first photo…
This skiddish stray/lost dog is roaming our neighborhood this week.
After a few days of trying to catch him myself…
and hearing neighbors tales of trying to catch him…
I realized I could “catch” him on film
and post it on Craigslist hoping the owner will come catch him!!!

and he happened to put on this adorable show for me!!  =)

as I was taking a few pics of him…

I guess I scared him!

1.  BOO!

sorry buddy… I didn’t mean to scare you like that!

I know I am stretching the Boo picture… it was all I could come up with!

never mind the shots are not exactly quality shots either…=)

moving on…

2.  Black

Nana  doesn’t get nearly the attention she deserves around our home anymore… well… unless you count Merlin’s torture attention… it is not entirely all our faults… she is not exactly the most affectionate cat.   But we love her all the same!  I love the Fall leaves in the window in this shot!  =)

3.  Texture

I am not sure HOW on earth my broken camera managed to capture some texture detail in this shot… but I was pleased… I did use “I am feeling Lucky” in our Picasa edits!  =)  There is a sad story with this pumpkin… my kids used markers on our pumpkins this year… instead of carving… and Abby made a pumpkin for her lost kitty… Nelly.   Who has been missing since April!!!  *sigh*  Sweet girl… heartbreaking … she does not express it often or emotionally… but my girl misses her kitty SO much!  Nelly was our affectionate kitty.  We DO miss you Nelly!

moving on again…

4.  Wet

This one could have easily passed for texture too… but it was one of my favorite Wet picks from the week… mind you… it kills me that if I could only put my camera on Macro… there could have been some Amazing shots on my little wet leaf photo shoot!

(for those of you who don’t know… I dropped my Nikon Coolpix L100 this summer and shattered the LCD screen… so I can take pictures… I just have no ability to SEE what I am taking, I don’t  know if it is in focus and I can’t change the settings anymore… but I CAN take pictures… small blessing…it is now my POINT and PRAY camera!  it was not super fancy… but it was a fancy snap and shot… and it was only 9 months old!!!   *sigh*)

moving on… again!

5.  Language

So again… quality not so great… I did have a lovely old book photo I was going to share… but I could not resist putting in a story my son wrote this week … about the scared stray dog pictured above!  A photo of a story… written by my son… A  direct result of me teaching Sammy Language Arts… Rewarding!!  =)  That is my paycheck at the end of the day!   (too bad it doesn’t involve cash… ha ha)

for the record… it is WAY past bedtime … and well… I spelled language wrong and almost didn’t catch it… with the handy dandy red line under it… gotta love auto spell check… anyway… I almost left it spelled incorrectly to make y’all laugh at me … for being proud of teaching Language Arts!!  ha ha!


If you love to take pictures…

stop by Ashley’s blog and get the list for next week!

Thanks for hosting a fun challenge Ashley… it inspires me to play with my challenging camera and enjoy my week through my lens!  =)

Tomorrow I will be posting my Alphabet Challenge Photos … brought to you by the Letter “I”  … I found SO many “interesting” things to photograph… I am having a hard time narrowing them down!  =)

Who is Bob?

seriously y’all are not going to be impressed with me…

I just can’t help myself!

Would you like to know who Bob is?

I will tell you…

in a SECOND!


has NOBODY seen that movie??

What About Bob?

a comedy from the early 90’s.

a movie that my roommate watched

a THOUSAND times!

it was a funny movie…

the first 5 times we saw it… maybe. =)

anyway… Thanks Kim for a Thousand memories!!

ha ha

and thank you Amazon for the image of that movie.


So … Bob.

He makes my heart pitter patter.

with perfect rhythm.

is that spelled correctly… it doesn’t look right.

R h y t h m


That Bob… He loves my heart!  =)

Bob and I … We have a date most mornings.

Bob is my  morning dose of  Mr.McSteamy!!

I love Bob.

I am THANKFUL for Bob!!  =)

(linking up with Mallard Cove Mommy on her 25 Days of Thanks – day 5!)

add a few nuts, some raisins, cranberries, apples, cinnamon… =)

Seriously …

have you ever eaten Bob’s Red Mill Steal Cut Oats??

they take 15-20 minutes to cook.. but… OH so worth it!!


I will never feel the same way about Quaker again.

sorry Quaker!

The Thing about Bob is…

He is hopefully helping me lower my Cholesterol…

one meal at a time.

Bob gives me heart healthy ingredients when I go to bake…

here are a few of my favorite Bob staples…

Leading to…  slightly healthier cookies, loaves, muffins, pies, cookies, cakes

(who am I kidding I used Betty’s boxed cake mixes ) ha ha!

But.. homemade CORN BREAD… oh yum…

never mind that I ruin the heart healthy option with all the butter….at least there is a little  less guilt involved when I use Bob’s products for Corn Bread!!   ha ha!

and seriously…

You will have WAY less guilt if you use Bob’s products

when you are baking The Pioneer Woman’s cinnamon rolls!!

(Let me take a minute right here… Today… Ree gave 4 lovely ladies a chance to attend a Fabulous baking weekend at her Lodge… ON… MY. mine. my 40th birthday!!… can you believe I  didn’t  win… what is up with that… =)  I am crushed I didn’t win…seriously out of the 41,000 entries… its my birthday. *sigh*  … I will get over it… I will.  eventually!!  That would have been the COOLEST way to spend my 40th!  *sigh*  I will get over it.  I will get over it.  I will get over it.  =) alright… fine… moving on.. )

where was I …


What About Bob?

Bless You Bob!!!

And Bob,

I thank you from the bottom of my health-Y-er heart!!

I love baking with you!  =)

Hope y’all love Bob as much as I do…what is your favorite Bob product?

and if you don’t know Bob already…

“(insert your name here).. so and so… meet Bob… Bob… meet so and so”…

there now that you know Bob… go and bake with him!  You’ll be glad you did.

if you will excuse me now…

I need to go “pull myself up by my bootstraps”

(as Ree herself has said many times…)

and bake me some heart healthy Chocolate Cookies!!

Thanks Bob.

Yours Truely,

Jenn ~

the gal who will be spending her 4oth birthday crying b/c SHE is not baking with the Pioneer Woman.  I am over it.  the end.

Do you know Nate?

I LOVE Nate!!

Oh sorry…
did you think
I meant This Nate?

Though I would LOVE to entertain This Nate…

er … uh… that didn’t sound right…

what I mean is I would love to let him entertain me…


that didn’t come out right either….


That Nate could come rip apart my house for me anyday

and show me how it is REALLY done…

how is this week Nate??    =)

(photo image was stolen borrowed straight from Nate’s Webpage for his Show!!)

I really should try to watch his show …

I really do love That Nate too…

if only I had more time I Would watch his show…


maybe my house would look more like his work…  =)

but I digress…

So NO…

That is not the Nate

I was originally referring to!!

Do you know This Nate?

Nate is one funny little dude…

I mean detective!

er … uh…

Marjorie Weinman Sharmat is one funny author!

or maybe

it has something to do with Mr. McFunny reading them aloud to our kids…

My Man …  he is hysterical!!

he has the most Wonderfully animated personality

especially when he reads to our children!

I heart my man!  =)




I can’t remember when we first met Nate…

BUT…   it was love and laughter at the first few lines!!

Take a minute and read those not so legible words …

My hubby… aka… Mr. McFunny… loves that last line …

I do too…. =)

it is SO funny!

“I would like Annie….. if I liked girls”

Maybe we first met Nate… when my little girl was in 1st grade?

she read them back then… all of them…

the ones we own and the ones the library had…

she has a good sense of humor that girl of mine!

and now my baby boy is reading them

in the 2nd grade…

I can’t even believe he is reading…

and I taught him how to read…

maybe I shouldn’t call him my baby anymore?  =)


back to Nate~

so easily distracted I am!


who doesn’t love a boy who is faithful to his mommy…

I mean really… if we were still living in the 70’s

(WAY back when I was a kid)…

and pretend I let my babies run the streets without supervision…

it would melt my heart if my son left me a sweet note to tell me “he was on a case”…

=)  Melt I tell you… I would just melt.

OH… Nate the Great Books are Reading Level 2.

in case you were wondering.

and they will cost you about 4 bucks.

AND … he loves pancakes…

he will do anything for pancakes…

what girl doesn’t love a man

who they can get to do anything by just giving him a pancake!  ha ha!!

OK OK… drama queen is done!!

If you have never read your child… 8 and under … a Nate the Great Story…

they are witty and wonderful detective stories entertaining children ages 4-8. 80.

Go Now… Run quickly… don’t walk!!  to the book store or the library…

but really you will want to OWN them once you read them!!

So save yourself some time and just go to straight to the bookstore!

or ebay… but then you have to WAIT…

Here is our little collection of Nate the Great!

It is Impossible to pick a favorite!!

G R E A T stories… Nate the Great!!  =)

what are you still doing here?

Go… Go buy them!!  =)


Have a Great day!!


What about Bob?

Do you all know Bob??

I just finished a breakfast date with Bob…

and I am about as content as a flea on a warm dog!  =)

Maybe I will introduce you to Bob tomorrow…

What do you make with your pumpkin?

I had a little fun capturing shadows on the pumpkins in the patch this year!

Of course this pumpkin is just for looks…

not so much for cooking!

This pumpkin is for cooking!

Pumpkin, pumpkin pumpkin… I LOVE pumpkins!!

Fall is one of my favorite seasons…

Pumpkin makes Fall even more delicious!!

This year I have made a few pumpkin recipes:

Scones ~ this recipe is really good ~  Though I think I will keep looking … or try modifying it to my taste … I did change it a bit … I used whole wheat pastry flour, I added extra flour, a little more pumpkin and left out the half and half!  trying to make them a little more heart healthy!  =)  the spicy glaze was too spicy for my taste… and I did not like adding pumpkin flavoring to the glaze.  but that is just me!

Frankly I prefer to use the Glaze from the Pioneer Woman scones!

what can I say I am a faithful PW fan!!

Speaking of the Pioneer Woman…

I snatched this DELICIOUS recipe from the Tasty Kitchen on her blog!

No pictures!!  we gobbled the loaves up before I even considered taking a photo!!

I must not have had my blog mojo going that day!

Moist Pumpkin Bread ~ it was delicious!!  however ~ if you have read any of my recipes before you know I didn’t stick to the recipe!!  ha ha!  it was a Great base recipe though!!

I changed the flour to whole wheat pastry flour

I only used 1 whole egg and 3 more egg whites

I used a 1/2 cup oil and a 1/2 cup lighter bake (prunes/apple puree)

and I reduced the sugar to 2 cups and added a tiny bit more water!

I had to make it a little more heart healthy!!  =)

We buy a pumpkin loaf for $4.99 from Top Foods…

and this recipe with changes was Better!  and provided 2 loaves!!

take that Top Foods!!  (ha!)

Pumpkin Bars (cake like)

Easy sneezy recipe!  a couple of my bloggin friends have posted about using Betty Crocker Cake mixes with canned pumpkin… making cookies and muffins…

so I borrowed the idea and make cakelike bars!

Here are the ingredients!

Carrot Cake mix and 1 can pumpkin… MIX… spread into  greased/floured pan … it is tricky to spread!!  grease your spreading tool!!  Then sprinkle cinnamon sugar on top, then  drop some dark chocolate raisins on one side and rainbow chocolate chip sprinkles on the other b/c ONE of your children doesn’t eat raisins!!  and bake according to the box for a 9 x 13 inch pan!  =)   My lovely friend Genn posted about her mom’s pumpkin muffin recipe here…  and I found a cookie recipe somewhere... Hello?? who had that recipe?? ** update**  I found the maker of those cookies… you can click on it now!! =)

*ugh*  I have pumpkin mush for brains!   … anyway both of those bakin ladies  inspired me to make these!  Thanks ladies!  and while I was surfing around looking for the pumpkin cookie recipe I notice my bloggy friend Janna is cookin with pumpkin today too!!

Moving on …

I  also made

Pumpkin Pancakes…  again… no blog mojo that morning either!  no pics!!

This is my favorite… just take your regular pancake mix… from Costco… and add pumpkin to the water before mixing in the dry ingredients!!  and don’t forget to add cinnamon and sugar to sweeten them up!!  and serve em with cool whip if you want to be the coolest mom on the block when your daughter has a sleepover!!  ha!

Oh and I made

Pumpkin Pie of course!

following the directions on the can…

using the ready made crust b/c I was being lazy…

BUT… if you want to Wow your friends, neighbors, kids, yourself… do this to your pie…

I posted about this trick already last month…

but just in case you weren’t here that day…

Just call me Martha!

only one thing… bake the pie most of the way…

without the cookie cutter crust on top..

covering the crust too…

and 15 minutes before the pie should come out…

put these babies on…

and bake the last little bit

my crust was getting dark so I left the foil on…

Just call me Betty… she was famous before Martha you know!  =)


There you have it folks… that is How I use my canned pumpkin… (so far this year)

How about YOU??   =)

I think I need to bake some pumpkin scones today… after all this pumpkin talk!!


Have a lovely blessed day!


PS  have you ever had a REALLY sore stiff neck??

HOW long did it take to go away…   I am workin on 5 days now I think?!!  *ugh*

The Letter H …

Handmade … Halloween Costumes …

a little felt, used clothing, hot glue…

a little fabric…and a sewing machine = magic!

H is for Halloween Humor

you see my kids are really into 1970’s cartoons right now…
and well… they smoke A LOT in those cartoons..
so my daughter asked for a cigarette …
and then the giggles burst out!!
Love capturing those moments on camera!

and I am also going to stop and take a moment to join my friend Heather’s linky

b/c it is such a Lovely idea… Life Made Lovely!!

When you are all done browsing my post…

hop on over and see how Heather is inspiring bloggers to remember

to ponder those things that make our lives lovely!!

My life was made lovely this week with easy sneezy Halloween costumes…

My children are so simple sometimes… and I love that!!


Back to the letter H…

H is for Houses… OLD Houses… =)

Historical Homes in our town

built in the early 1900’s

I love old homes…

one day I Hope to own one!!

a remodeled one that is!

for now I will be Happy owning Old Books…

they are cheaper!

H is for Hymnal … OLD hymnals…

late 1800’s hymnals…

that my sweet baby girl wrote on… =)

oh my!!  autographed Vintage hymnals!

H is for Holy… Holy Word of God…

Holy Bible

H is for

the HOST

of the Alphabet Challenge Barb Phillips!

Thanks for the Fun!

Time for a little blog Hoppin now… 😉


HOW could I forget…

H is for a new up and coming HARRY POTTER… November 19th… I am SO there!!

I feel a Harry Potter marathon next week!!  😉

it is SO fun to watch them all one night at a time until opening day of the new one… trust me… date week with the HUBBY on the couch!!  Happiness!~  he he!

Happy Halloween

thats all folks… just wanted to make an appearance and

wish y’all a Happy and Safe Halloween!  =)

I am still nursing an extremely stiff and sore neck

life is all about the couch, the muscle relaxers and ice packs the last few days…

Prayin this passes soon… I am not a huge fan of lying around for DAYS…

and missing out on all the fun… sheesh!!

Hope y’all have/had a safe and Happy Halloween!!

Somedays when you wake up

The Sun rises
and blesses you a

peaceful ~ easy feeling…

and you naturally take on a
sunny disposition for the day
after witnessing this
small beautiful glimpse of
the gorgeous world God blessed us with

you see the sun
peekin through the trees
trying to shine for the day…


you feel

a little wilted

not quite yourself

the bugs have been eating away at your leaves

your head is starting to droop

maybe you

are feeling completely slumped over

and you woke up with a REALLY Stiff neck

and the sun wasn’t rising over that mountain

and you have been a little cranky the last couple days

not quiet yourself…

and you are trying really hard

not to be a


about it …

I just have to take a moment for this poor pumpkin…

I almost bought it for a joke…

my sister and I had a good laugh when we spied this guy

and decided a pair of jeans ‘fallin’ off might just do it some justice!!

sorry…. bad humor…

butt … you have to admit… it IS funny!

*cough, cough*


Maybe you are praying

that … well…

Your cat-ish-dog

will behave for JUST.  ONE.   DAY.

the whole day!

so you can rest

I mean seriously?

ONE day.

just one.


I am not feeling that peaceful easy feeling today…

hoping the neck is stiff from a bad sleep

rather than some weird funky flu…

or somethin…

*no flu, no flu, no flu*

wishin I had that shot already!! bummer.

I think I will start my day with a nap…

b/c I am feeling a little wilted

maybe a little slumped over today

hope the sun rises later in my day…

I don’t have TIME to be sick right now!!

I have a couple a costumes to work on!

I will post about that tomorrow or Saturday if I am not in bed!!

Oh my!

What kind of costumes are lurking around your house this year??  =)

Have a sunny day!

See ya after my nap!



Here is a picture of my ENTIRE Grape Orchard…

all 6 feet of it

don’t be too jealous, K!!

I do have another one in a planter…

still about 2 feet tall… dead probably!

and this little guy only produced what you saw yesterday..

a few bitter grapes…

It is supposed to be SEEDLESS concord grapes…

um… there were seeds…. lots of seeds.


Brought to you by the Letter … G

G.  g.


this “hardy” gardenia didn’t bloom all summer….

what on earth is it doing NOW?  cold. wet. October.


G. g.


Have you ever seen this book??

Funny!  My kids love it!  still.  they are 10 and 8.  =)

Well… ok… the 8 year old still loves it.

crazy things happen to that giraffe and a half…

G. g.


not a bad close up for a broken camera… ha ha

now this one…


so I played with it…

now it looks kinda “artistic”…

I might like it better … do you?

kinda.   or not.   ??    =)

G. g.

more grapes

again… if my camera was not broken

and I could find the macro setting…

this could have been a really cool shot!

(dang.g.g.g.g.!!) =)

G. g.


Giant Goat.

ok maybe not Giant.

but he was big!

and greedy…  ha ha ha

G. g.

Grinning Girl

playinG card Games

I love that she loves Games!!

She is a Game Girl like her mama!!

G. g.

Game over.

Gimmie a break!!

GUESS who won!  ??

ah ha ha ha ha

she was kidding …

very funny moment!


G. g.


50% Canadian!

Sammy wanted to change his shirt to reflect that…

see how it says 100%.  =)

Upon receiving his new shirt He said…

“mommy I am not 100% Canadian!”

he is very literal sometimes!



I have had my Letter fun.

Good day mates!


if you want to play along with this Fun Weekly photography challenge

please visit Barb Phillips … she’ll explain every thing!  =)