
You have some splainin to do Lucy!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the name Lucy

do you all know that??

Mr. McFunny and I  didn’t name Abby Lucy…

well… because the name Lucy DOES NOT go with our last name!!!

You are going to have to TRUST ME on that one…

sorry… I don’t share all our personal info publicly!!

Lets just say our last name is um… humorous!!

so no kids named Lucy!     =)

and I let the kids name their kitty cats…

No Lucy.

and of the two dogs we have invested in in the last 2 years…

both Males.

no Lucy.

our first puppy  was named Lewis…

it was the closest to Lucy I could get!!

anyway… sadly we lost Lewis to a medical condition 5 months after we got him…

click on his name for a good cry the blog post about him… sweet pup.

OK… really really rambling today

So we got to meet Lucy for the second time in our lives on Tuesday night…

Hello Lucy!!

she is a 4 year old Alligator!

ain’t she cute!!

I LOVE Lucy!!

I did not have the best seats in the house…

so bear with my zoomed in fuzzy pictures!!  =)

This is Scott Peterson  ~  The Washington Reptile Man!

he owns a LOT of reptiles

Oh  and a Reptile Zoo in Monroe Wa.

All you Washington mama’s might want to click on the link and have a look!

Could be an interesting “Day at the Zoo!” with the kids… He is really funny too!

I have never been to his Reptile Zoo…

The Reptile Man travels around doing School Assemblies…

He has come to Abby’s school 2-3 times in the last 6 years

bringing exciting, unique, poisonous or not so poisonous reptiles with him

he talks about each one

offering fun facts, fun stories and always gets the crowd laughing

Seriously he gets you laughing while he is talking about SNAKES… ew…

He DOES bring creepy snakes

Seriously … I hate snakes… HATE them… But this guy is Great Fun!!

I have seen him several times … the first time in 1995…

and I even held his HUGE Python “Baby” was her name…

I blogged about that HERE

So for some reason BIG snakes don’t bother me

it is the slithery kind…. well….


anyway… that picture of me with the snake is from 1995!!

I love love love the Turtles he has brought over the years

he lets them roam around the room

while he talks   =)

and well…

I LOVE Lucy!!!

look at her beautiful eyes

and her sharp pointy teeth

and those claws!!

and her skin(??) is SO SOFT!!

I now understand (not support) why people made purses out of them…

How RUDE!!

they are LOVELY creatures!

Good bye Lucy… We’ll come visit you at the zoo this summer!!

look at the love he has in his face for Sweet Lucy!!

and the last wild animal we saw on Tuesday night

was this crazy creature!!

ha ha

I wonder what he would do if he found a snake?


The funny thing about the Reptile Guy coming to Abby’s school was…

Last week Sammy and I had just done a tiny little lesson on snakes


we slipped in a snake lesson

because a teacher gave me these for him to color

and then cut out

and you “score” it on a dotted line right down the middle

and turn them into 3-D art

and it twists up a little more realistic

I even taught Sammy the riddle

I had learned from Scott Peterson … back in the day…

“If red touches yellow you are a dead fellow, if red touches black you are ok Jack”

but we did learn on Tuesday night an important fact I had forgotten

that riddle only works on snakes in the USA.

Apparently you are not ok Jack if red touches black in the Amazon!  =)

anyway… funny that we did a little snake lesson on Friday

and on Sunday when I unpacked Abby’s backpack

there was a note saying The Reptile Guy was coming!!


enough Lizard talk.

Have you all ever been a reptile zoo

or had a reptile guy visit your kids schools?

Will you come back tomorrow even though I talked about snakes today?

Luuuuuuuuuuucy, Where are you???



much to do today.

My little Girl Scout is the speaker in the House this afternoon!

off to assist her!!

I will visit y’all later…

starting with those who leave me comments!!

I love comments, don’t y’all love comments!!?

ta ta

The Poster Boy’s Wife

lots of links today

but really if y’all didn’t read about my Poster boy…

it is worth reading…

he he he

Love is just a memory now

my beautiful mama’s 62nd birthday should be celebrated today

instead it is an emotional day for me/us

it has been nearly 10 years since she left this earth

some days the emotions are stronger than ever

Her birthday is always one of those weepy days

I wanted more years with her

I wanted her to love on my babies

and watch them grow

this was the last picture I had taken with my mom

February of 2001

see Abby bundled in my niece’s arms

she was 4 months when my mom passed away

it breaks my heart that my babies never got to know her

she was really good with kids  =)

This picture was taken on her last birthday

Jan 19, 2001.

Happy Birthday mom…

I miss you all the time…

I love you!

I hope that you are watching my babies grow from heaven!

xo xo xo

your youngest daughter


To all my bloggy friends that still have mamas on this earth…

Cherish every moment ~love love love them!

Seize as many days/moments as you can with your mamas!

You are blessed!!

Something to do with the Moon?

I am feeling a little crazy today

I am not sure if it has something to do with the fact that

my hubby and I  have been burning the midnight oil

one too many nights!!

You see …

we have been staying up into the wee hours to watch

disc after disc after disc

of this hysterical tv series…

Have you ever seen it?!!

each disc has 5 episodes

2 seasons

5-6 discs each season

AFTER the kids went to bed by 8:30-9:00

40 minutes an episode

times 5

in 2 months?

you do the math!!

what is wrong with us?? =)


We LOVE to laugh…  and

We love the humor in this show!!

Simon Bakers character is SOO stinkin funny…

and he’s cute too…     =)    (sh…….)


all those STUPID late nights are starting to make US mental!!

maybe it has nothing to do with the late nights

maybe it is something to do with the full moon approaching

I love the moon….

hello moon.

Are you making me a little crazy?

actually it isn’t just me…

look at Sammy

reading like a little mad man…

he is reading one to two books a day?!!

where did this glorious change in him come from??!

mr. moon??

and why is my little girl sitting like this

when she plays video games?

she is going to wreck her knees!!

hello.  naughty moon?

seriously who sits like that???  =)

and what on earth has come over me

that I allowed video games to come into my house in the first place!!?


I am cooking lots o  green foods lately

and LOVING it…

slightly sauteed spinach and garlic in olive oil

maybe add some asparagus

and tossing it with rice pasta

fresh Parmesan  (oops dairy!)

a little lemon juice… YUM.

You see …

I am going gluten free

for a little while…

unless it works…

then it will be permanent!

I told ya…

the Moon is making me crazy!


my body has been a mess for far too long

I am at the point that I am crazy enough to try anything!!

Have any of you gone gluten free??

Do share!!

I feel Crazy I tell you…

It has to be the moon

hello beautiful.

Are you messing with my brain!?!

me giving up gluten and  most dairy products

and get this…

I am Cutting out the COFFEE


I can’t give it all up at once!!!

I might thank the moon later.

maybe.   =)

I’ll get back to you on that!

So what is a girl to do when she is functioning on very little caffeine…

no  gluten and no dairy products?


Yep.  Clean.

Drink lots and lots of water and clean!

See.  Crazy.

Why on earth do I want to clean??!

and never mind I paid an arm and a leg for those natural cleaners

what is wrong with me??

I thought they were on sale… forgot to check the receipt …

used em… now they are mine… for full price.. ouch.

speaking of soap

I like to put my dish soap in olive oil bottles

it is fun!!

it does come out slow…

I don’t mind…

I NEVER use too much now!!

ha ha!

only … I hope I never accidentally use it as olive oil…

b/c I have the same shape olive oil bottle!

and they are both yellow  =)

Maybe my cleaning frenzy has nothing to do with the moon

or me eating gluten free foods for 2 days straight

or the lack of sleep

maybe it has something to do with this

Can you see all that dust???

why did I let the dust get that bad on my dining room lights??


I noticed that dust in SEPTEMBER

while decorating for my little girls birthday

and LEFT it there…

until today…



Wrong on SO many levels!!

So my point is…

Moon or no moon…

Apparently ~

I am going to clean and purge my house in the next couple days..

and my body… of gluten, caffeine and dairy!

don’t feel too bad for me…

these are really quite yummy!

and gluten free!

I had to start with something sweet!!

I will explain my gluten free  madness in another post!

right now I need to put my gloves back on…

Maybe I should buy a pink feather duster

and a matching ruffly apron

and those purple gloves with zebra striped ruffles on the end

have you seen those in stores?!  Cute!!

and a zebra striped broom to match!

Cleaning would be colorful and fun… ( ha ha ha )

I think I need to buy  a shark steam mop too

I think that will make me WANT to mop every day….

*insert evil laugh**

Do any of you have one of those??!!

I want one … something fierce!!

I told ya… feeling a little crazy today!!

back to my gloves.

=)    Jenn~

Is the moon making you feel crazy today??  or is it just me?  =)

Week 3 ~ January

Week 3 of 2011

(last week I posted 1 & 2 together) =)

Ashley Sisk’s Sunday Scavenger Hunt items for the week…

inspiring my choices for my 365 days as well!! Thanks Ashely!

1. Different View  2. Looking Up 3.  Abstract 4.  Hair and 5.  Half

Sunday Breakfast 9/365 Abstract ?

or you could call it Half

or even a different view

I certainly hope you can’t call this one Hair

I mean it could happen

but I am 99.9 % sure it did not


moving on…

Monday   10/365 A Different View

of the hill

on the beautiful road

that I travel each day

I love this road

I have traveled many many miles on this little road

up and down this hill

in my early 20’s…

when I was single

and now as a mommy

and a wife

I love how roads can trigger memories

do you find that?

funny how this road also represents life

traveling up and down the hill

up and down

up and down


Tuesday   11/365 Looking Up

at the beautiful  light shining

brightening the cold snowy dark night

Peaceful bliss

Wednesday 12/365 Half

half of Mr. McSneaky

Otherwise known as THE POSTER BOY…

half of my husband  =)

You can read all about Mr. McSneaky’s famous poster

on yesterday’s post

just scroll down after this one!!  =)

it is so FUNNY!!

Thursday 13/365 Hair

Thursday I told my little girl

it is TIME

Time to cut those beautiful golden locks

I tell her it will grow back

it always does   =)

Friday    14/365 A Different View

I am thinkin that was definitely a Different View

for that little birdie!!  =)

This picture is taken behind a window

up on my second floor

on a rainy day

behind wet glass

CRAZY how well it turned out!

oh… on maximum zoom!!!


Saturday   15/365 Half of a Window Display




Want to see the other half?

of the window that is…

more marshmallows

hundreds and hundreds of Marshmallows!!


each to his own.

It didn’t make me want to go in the store

but it DID make me laugh!!  =)

and I love love LOVE to laugh!


Jenn ~ The Poster Boy’s Wife

I am just going to milk that for a bout a week, k?!!

and the hosts of the 365 day project =)

Project 365 button designed by


NapTime MomTog Project 365

and the host of the 52 week project
Just one photo a week on this one!! =)
Sorry I am late Trina!! =)

I can’t believe he didn’t tell me!!!

(ok so I thought I hit publish LAST night at 12:30… or this morning! Apparently NOT… *sigh*  rats!!)


My husband is a

Poster Boy!!

Mr. Johnny Poser himself

has been posted all over the state for months!

Would you like a closer look at my man??

otherwise know as

Mr. McFunny

(in my world)

Yep… I married that guy…

the one dancing with a statue!!

Are you kidding me?!!!

Who dances with statues and gets printed on a State Poster?!!

Yep… That’s MY man…

Mr. McFunny

Always making everyone laugh!

I just about peed my pants when I noticed it yesterday!!

I’m dyin over here people!!

I took my little girl into the hubby’s office

to sell Girl Scout cookies

We try not to bug him much at the office

just a couple times a year


apparently it has been a While

since we were in last!

His co-workers  all have a great sense of humor

So I was joking around with them

while Abby was selling cookies

and I just happened to notice


with my husband printed on it!!!

My husband on A POSTER?!!!??

What the Heck?!!

Laughter, tears …. and shock!!

I wish you could see the  grin on my face right now

I can not understand why on earth he did not tell me?!!


( my cheeks hurt!!)

Pay Back Darling… Pay Back

for Keeping Secrets from YOUR WIFE!!!  =)

How could he NOT tell me??

if you note on the Poster

It was printed WAY back in April of 2010!

I NEED a copy of that poster!!

I only walked away with a photograph

such a bummer

he he he

I love my goofy husband!!

Hours an Hours of Laughter

Have I told you all how much

I LOVE laughing

its like a drug!!

May you all be blessed with laughter today!


The Poster Boy’s Wife

ps  Apparently people stopped him in the halls, lunchroom, coffee stand, etc. etc.  and said…

“hey… you are the poster guy”

for months

he he he

I CAN’T HANDLE the laughter!!!

Evening Snow

My kids have been waiting and waiting and waiting for this night!
The weather people predicted a lot of snow this winter
We are a little disappointed that Washington has NOT had its fair share … yet…

tonight it started lightly snowing at 5:30 pm

by 7:30 there was just enough to play in…

and still snowing!!

So I did what any good mom would do…

I bundled up my littles and took them out in the dark

for a little Evening Snow Fun

the kids pulled out their sled right away

the only  time I am happy about having a sloped driveway

is when it snows!

Perfect for sledding!

crazy littles

sledding in the dark!   =)

Lucky we have a street light right in front of our house!!

Mr. McFaithful even took Merlin for a walk

in the snow

Merlin LOVES the snow!!

he hates water…

but he goes crazy wild in the snow

have a nice walk boys!

I stood outside with my camera

under my umbrella that reminds me of Mary Poppins…

I love Mary Poppins!!


the kids couldn’t believe how fast the snow collected on it…


give that back to me…

just kidding…

they gave it right back

they had sledding to do.

Have you ever seen Snowflake shadows???

the wind was blowing slightly

moving the flakes quickly across the snow

and under the light…

it was casting shadows

so the flakes and the shadows were dancing across the snow

it was SO cool…

the picture really doesn’t snow it!

Oh hello boys!!

did you have a nice walk crazy snow dog?

look at Mr. McFaithful’s hat…

10 minute walk tops…

too funny!

the sad part is…

it is supposed to warm up to 48 degrees tomorrow

and disappear

that is really why we played in it tonight!

I hope it sticks around for an hour or two in the am!!

We love a good snowfall…

it is sad that we might wake up and this will be gone!!

(Cold)   =)

Speaking of sleep…

I am one tired momma!

Good Night Moon… Good night snow.



PS  I am playing more with photography this year… so I linking up with more photo challenges… Lets see if I can keep up!

Here is a new one I found today!
… it is one of 2 “52 week” photo challenges … =)
Hi Trina … Nice to meet you!
this submission is late…
and has more than one cold pic…
perfect timing though!
Next year I hope to say I did all 52 weeks!! =)

8/365 and a Sunday Scavenger Hunt

1. This is Me

with a treasured  friend from the 80’s

we missed a few years between the 80’s and now

but we are the same as we always were

natural friends

soon we will live close enough to see each other a lot more!!



This Is Me ~  Saturday  1/365

on New Years Day

just before midnight when I decided to do the 365 photo challenge

My first photo of 2011 featuring … My feet with shiny toes.  =)

don’t look too close

I did my own pedicure~

2.  Resolutions    ~    Sunday 2/365

what can I say?

Rather than setting resolutions

I am SeizingMyDays


How cool is that …

to find a little daily calendar

with the same idea as my blog!!


3.  Innocence   ~ Monday 3/365


I am innocent!

I have NEVER seen that brand new puzzle piece before.

are you sure it is a puzzle piece?


you can not take a sample of my saliva!

I would like to talk to my lawyer now.


(imagine the voice you hear on Alvin and the chipmunks)

naughty dog

4.  Treasured       ~ Tuesday    4/365

Time with God ~

not just in His House

but in His Beautiful Creation

the sun nearly finished rising at this point

too bad I didn’t get there 5 minutes earlier!



time with my little family

don’t they look excited about being in the freezing cold??

with the sun in their eyes!!

5.  Primitive   ~   Saturday     8/365

my husband is out trappin creatures these days

Can you get any more primitive?

I feel like we are in an episode of Little House on the Prairie!

he is optimistic that this primitive measure

will be successful

and save our yard

from the evil moles

it is getting ugly folks!!


the rest of my 8/365

Wednesday 5/365

a little mischief in the kitchen

Thursday 6/365

have I ever mentioned how hard it is to capture Merlin’s eyes?!!

with all that black fur around his eyes…

and poor indoor lighting

they are really hard to photograph!

therefore …. I love this pic!  =)

Friday 7/365

My little girl made this cheerful snow girl in 2nd grade

I love her!!

I mean seriously… Don’t ya LOVE her hair??!   =)

May your week be filled with Good Hair Days!!



ps  the church above is not the church I attend…

it is one of many lovely little white churches I see all the time

and I love it…

that morning we drove hubby to work

(he usually takes the bus)

there was a beautiful beautiful sunrise !!

so in a moving car I just kept clicking away

the entire drive to his work that morning was stunning!

I snapped away at quick stops at corners & lights

want another peek at the sunrise that day?

taken in a moving car… cool!!

I am still learning to play with my fancy little snap and shoot

do y’all know I traded my birthday pressie…the Nikon P100

for  a Cannon Power shoot SX210 IS

I was uncomfortable with the crazy zoom on it!!

anyway… the little Cannon captures some nice shots

but I have many things to learn about it!!


I rarely see the sunrise

usually only in winter

what can I say

NOT a morning person!

It was a lovely way to start our day!!  =)


Project 365 button designed by

I miss Fudge…

I am trying to be good
and eat less butter and sugar this month
and drink more water
LOTS and LOTS of water!

that is what any sensible girl would do after the holidays

it is after all the time to focus on getting fit again



I miss Fudge…

maybe it is because I made 2 delightful batches

hundreds of little tree shaped chocolate minty goodness

melt in your mouth

sweet smooth fudge candy

and I gave nearly all of it to our neighbors!

What is wrong with me??   =)

Really ~ it isn’t exactly fudge!

The recipe I found is called

Frango Mints

which really is plagiarism isn’t it??  =)

I found it on the internet

and I modified it …



I do that!

Real Frangos

melt in your mouth

smooth chocolate candy

which are originally from Fredrick n Nelson

a Christmas Classic!!

What?  You don’t know what Fredrick n Nelson is?

man I am old!  =)

Real Frangos are now owned by The Bon…

alright ~ fine … Macy’s  =)


first I melted a package of mini chocolate chips

in a double boiler …

just because it said to and I wanted to follow ONE rule

but right after I turned off the burner

I added about a half a cup of Marshmallow creme to the melted chocolate

and I added 2 tbsp of melted butter

then you pour the melted chocolate  into a mixing bowl

where you have already creamed the butter and powdered sugar

and flavoring

oh… and I used Rum extract and Mint extract… yum!~

At this point it is sticky and messy

I buttered my hands and then I sort of kneaded it

after I “mixed” it…

b/c the mixing didn’t go so smoothly…


I guess I didn’t really Knead it

I played with it

like you would with pizza dough

pretending to be a cool pizza chef

only don’t toss it in the air!

then I flattened it on wax paper with my buttered hands

instead of dropping it by spoonfuls

I  poured candy sprinkles onto it and pressed them down a bit

Oh… I Refrigerated it for about an hour or so at this point!

After an hour or so in the fridge

I cut them out with a mini Christmas cookie cutter

just because it was fun to make little trees!!

and then…

just because

I wanted to be the COOLEST gal on the block

I pulled out candy melts

the same kind Bakerella uses on her oh so amazing Cake Pops

I melted them (in the microwave)

and thinned it a little as directed …

with crisco shortening

just ignore that

pretend you are NOT using FAT

Then I poured it into an icing bag for piping

and piped my little trees with green candy melt!

they turned out SO cool!!

the piping made them look SO fancy!

and added flavor and texture!

I had to work fast

and clean out the piping tips immediately

the candy melt cools and hardens quickly!

if one were to NOT clean them before they hardened

I am sure HOT water would fix that little problem!  =)


melt in your mouth


Frango Mint Fudgelike candy

When they were done

I was so delighted!

I felt famous

like the Cake Boss

or Bakerella

or The Pioneer Woman!



I think my neighbors will  LOVE me

forever and EVER

Amen!   =)

Maybe I will open a mint frango marshmallow fudge shop?

or maybe I will just make them again for Valentines Day…

with little heart cookie cutters

and red candy melt

only this time we are KEEPING them all!!

Don’t get me wrong…

we enjoyed giving them to our neighbors

but we only got to eat 1 or 2 each!!


after you drink water ALL month

make these for your loved ones

on Valentines Day!! =)

or just make em NOW

decisions decisions!!

oh the stress =)

I need a bottle of Metromint water!!

Maybe that will help?!

Happy Baking!


Spinny Things

I love this little man!

he loves creating



playing  =)

Aren’t they

fabulous simple machines




I stayed up WAY too late last night.

and my crazy mind is too tired to write.

please don’t faint, ok!!  =)

Have a Beautiful Creative Simple Day!



Memories, Dreams and Reflextions .. or something like that =)

A little photo walk through my year

inspired by



in my happy place with my little shadow

I love you

for ALL the little and Big things you do for me!!

well…okay… I love love laughing everyday with you too! =)

Still Laughing

about these little panthers asking for cigarettes

to go with their Pink Panther (and green panther) costumes!

I love listening to my babies giggle so much with each other!

Winter Wonderland

crazy snow doggy!


my baby turned 8 this year… how can that be?


are not always “real”  =)

I love love listening to my little man talk to his beloved Tiger!

I Was Inspired

to start this Fun Post Card Project LAST January *sigh*

by Family Fun Magazine…

if you see your State blank…

would you like to help us finish this fun home school geography project??!!  =)

Spring Fever

every year we hunt down spring blossoms

to take pictures of our littles in..

during our 2010 Spring Blossom photo shoot

my littles conquered their fear of climbing trees!!



they not only conquered their fear of climbing trees

they took tree climbing to a whole new level

on our vacation to The Redwood Forest!  =)

climbing on the former worlds tallest tree …

seriously… think about the height of those pics…

they are standing at least 15 feet off the ground in both pics!!

Way to conquer your fears little ones!

**proud mommy**

Summer Days

should always include sandy feet!

A Day In My Life

do you see Mr. MisChievous  sticking his tongue out at me…

enough said!

Don’t let that cuteness fool ya!!

All Smiles

after scoring 3 goals in one soccer game

proud little soccer player

proud coach/daddy… =)

Autumn Harvest


pumpkins are better left IN the field!

(sorry couldn’t resist!)

we laughed so hard…

I really could have used this one for still laughing…


I think this is the ONLY family photo we captured in 2010

by some random stranger


the little things in life

Every day is a beautiful NEW day!

Stop and Smell the roses!!

Let’s Do It Again

lets go fly a kite…

on the beach every Mothers Day…

it will break my heart when you are all grown up~!

this post is KILLING me!!  =)

I Miss You

oh no!!  seriously …

killing me!!

this sweet girl disappeared in April this year

broke my little girls heart

and mine…


no picture can every quite capture

the beauty of God’s creation

the real thing is always heart stopping …


Dress Up

just because

it is fun!



a little rain

is a beautiful thing

So much truth in that!

deep thoughts by Jenn.


must always include this

Frango Fudge

a new recipe I made this year





My Favorite

I am not sure why…. but…

I LOVE this photo of my little man SOOOO much

maybe it is because I think he looks like

Richie Cunningham

from the EARLY episodes of Happy Days??  =)

Don’t Ever Change

not the best picture

but they make me laugh

these littles of mine

wagging their bums at the ocean

singing neener neener…

and then running as the waves try to catch them!!

Just Because ~ So There!

who doesn’t love a good laugh!!

seriously… this sign was hanging outside a cafe

in Cannon Beach OR!!

We love Cannon Beach…

we visit a least 2 times a year!  =)

camping.  the cheap way to visit Cannon Beach!

Hopes and Dreams

that these little people continue to love one another

as much as they do now

for the rest of their lives!!


click on the Memories button above to join the fun!




PS  this is being published at 11:11 pm

on 1.1.11

(jan 1, 2011)

he he

nerd. I know.