Hiding behind a mask…

Deep Thoughts by Just Jenn~

I was thinking this morning…

about these cute masks that my sweet little girl made this weekend…

Isn’t it cute?!!

we made them at one of her birthday parties years ago …

THIS  cute mask she made yesterday…

and now it has got me thinking….

first you will need a tiny bit of  recent history behind my thoughts!~

My little girl has been working towards some Girl Scout Awards recently

one of the tasks is to help a younger troop 3 times… providing leadership.

She is so introverted and shy … it is not exactly an easy task for her…

but she is doing well!!

The topic was dance.  Since Abby is not a dancer…

we brainstormed and came up with Masquerade Balls…

with this fun craft we had done for her birthday party in First grade…

so long ago!! sniff!~

SO … we … ha ha … (the mommy) researched Masquerade Balls …

do you know how scandalous they were back in the day???  I had no idea!!

so I omitted that part and I focused on teaching her Who, What, When and Where …

and the Why part which was bound to come up ..

I simplified that it used to make the balls more of a mystery

and provided a game of sorts to entertain the guests.

That is true…  I just left a few parts out…   scandalous!!  =)

Here is my little girl teaching the younger girls all about dancing at Masquerade Balls …

then she helped them make their own masks!!  =)

Aren’t they cute… I took a lovely picture of all the girls holding them up… but ….

since I don’t have their parents permission… I figured just the masks will have to do… =)

ok… so I am  seemingly going off track here… but I am not… really… bear with me…

Friday night we went to play Bingo at my daughters school

(yes I do home school … but only my little boy for now!)

So here we are at Bingo …

Little girl and I sat with her friends…

And Sammy and Daddy sat with some of Sammy’s friends

he knows them from the neighborhood…

Last year Sammy won a prize… he was SO excited!!


so this year… First Bingo… guess who wins??

nope.   not Sammy.  it was me!

Who knew that could be a problem!??

of course when I picked my prize I choose Milo and Otis …

family friendly movie… from a family friendly event.

Sammy saw mommy go up and pick out her prize.

and we all continued to play Bingo.

and hear Raffles being called out.

and watching others win.

about 3/4 the way through the night they gave us a “stretch break”

and I went to check in on my men…

and my little man was in tears…

he wasn’t winning…

he was loosing hope.

Poor little man.

I tried to make him feel better that my prize was a family prize.

sorry mom, nice try.

Luckily…a tiny bit later…

sister Abby’s raffle ticket won…

she was too embarrassed to go up to pick out a prize… (shy girl)

so she let Sammy go…


Way to shyly love your brother??   =)

Whew!!  that made his night!

Luckily he loved the raffle prize too!!

Club Penguin Puffles!!

That was Friday.

Saturday was the day we went to make Masks with the Girl Scouts….

and today is Sunday…

and I started thinking…

hm… Masks…

Do I hide behind a mask sometimes??

or do I….

wear my heart on my sleeve??

Definitely the latter!

(but my arm is chubby and not so cute..  so we put the heart on Abby for lovely appearances!)

I am the kind of girl you can get my life story out of in the first conversation …

if you ask all the right questions…

I cry when I am happy, sad, angry, frustrated, overwhelmed….etc… etc..

You could say I don’t “hide” my emotions very well… if at all!!

I don’t hide behind a mask very well.

Even when I want to …

Sometimes it feels like a blessing…

to wear my heart on my sleeve…

and sometimes…

not so much!

I think there is a healthy balance in this madness I am pondering …

yet to be “found” by me… ha ha…

A balance between wearing your heart on your sleeve and hiding behind the mask.

deep thoughts by Just Jenn~  ha ha!

Today as I pondered my thoughts… I realized without a doubt….

My sweet little boy Sammy wears his heart is on his sleeve … like me…

and my precious little girl Abby hides behind her mask… like her daddy!


At times we realize that we balance each other well…

My heart on my sleeve teaches Mr. McFunny and Abby that sometimes it is good to do so…

and His Mask teaches me… that sometimes I should try to hide behind mine better.

We are sharpening each other..

In God’s perfect Will… he designed our little family…

equally I might add… wearing our hearts and hiding behind our masks…

Hopefully we are finding that balance within ourselves!

In His perfect timing…

on this journey called life…

each experience teaching us…

a little more about ourselves… and each other … and the balance.

How about you??

Do you think you have achieved this balance I speak of…

or do you lean one way or the other?

Is your heart on your sleeve?

or do you hide behind the mask?

Silly little purple mask.  who knew it would make me think so hard.

scandalous!  =)

Just Jenn

11 Responses | Add your Own

  • 1 lissa yazmış:

    well clearly I just put it all out there for the world to see. I used to be stuck behind a mask and I was miserable~

    The masquerade mask/ dance is such a cute idea!

  • 2 naomig yazmış:

    Cute masks! I’m mostly an all the way out there type of girl. 🙂

  • 3 Keetha yazmış:

    Jen, I just found that you had started following my blog – – – my wonderful #123!!!! Thank you soooooo much. I PROMISE, I will try to never lead you astray!

  • 4 Martha yazmış:

    what a cute idea you came up with:) Love it! Masks and heart on sleeve…I think I do both and very situational…it always feels better to wear my heart on my sleeve though instead of the mask

  • 5 Courtney Walsh yazmış:

    Those masks are so cute! What a fun idea for the girls. I have no clue the scandal part behind the ball, but I think you were genius to do this!! 🙂

    I think I can be pretty guarded…though if someone asks me something, generally I just put it all out there! 🙂 Interesting thing to ponder, actually!

  • 6 Amanda @ Serenity Now yazmış:

    Great object lesson! 🙂 I think I tend to go back and forth, depending on the situation. Yay for your daughter for stepping up and teaching the younger girls. I can relate to her…I was also very shy growing up. 🙂

  • 7 Jenn Briggs yazmış:

    Thanks for visiting my blog! I am no good with masks. I have this… honesty thing. At least, that’s the adult version. Basically, I have very few filtering mechanisms and what I think, feel, believe, etc. is usually hard to conceal. What you see is what you get, no masks for me! It’s got its downside–I’ve stuck my foot in my mouth all my life. But to the positive side of things, I’m always hearing how “real” I am. Rather be genuine and truthful than phony!

  • 8 Jen Gacek yazmış:

    Okay, I’ll admit it, I hide behind the mask. I can totally relate to your daughter.

    My hubby doesn’t hide behind the mask, so we are prefectly balanced! My oldest also hides behind the mask while my younger 2 don’t. Overall, I would say that’s a pretty good balance!

  • 9 Jenilee yazmış:

    thanks for visiting our blog and I’m so glad that my post lined up with yours! great thoughts and so true. God BLess!

  • 10 Pennie at Mom Thoughts yazmış:

    Those are the cutest masks! And, I love your deep thoughts!

  • 11 TooManyHats yazmış:

    The masks are adorable. What a fun way to work around not being a dancer, but wanting to help the younger troop. Is she working on her bronze award?