The Drive to the library
After our mini blizzard – snow – ice storm
the kids and I took a trip downtown
to the library
this is pretty much how our afternoon unfolded:
(sweetly fitting into the Scavenger Hunt prompts this week!)
oops… this one was actually snapped the day before our library day =)
a wavy ripple pattern??
this was the day the sun came out after the storm
and began melting our icy snowy world
which is now limited to a few dirty snow piles in parking lots
(artificial hazelnut sweetener plus coffee = artificial high… Caffeine baby!)
oh how I love me a good cup o coffee =)
even better with latte art !!
boys… seriously! =)
OK.. so…
I am a bit heavy hearted about the OLD trees in Olympia
that no longer stand alone
they have endured years of stormy, snowy, windy weather
a few freezing rains and an earth quake or two
the Pacific Northwest weather isn’t as mild as one might think
anyway… after the recent heavy snow fall and freezing rain
the old trees have lost even more of their beautiful limbs
here are a few snap shots of the trees from around town
the day after the freezing rain melted =(
Old (or rusty) and Stand Alone (or not)
see the poles (they have been holding up this tree for years now)
a few of the older trees on the capital campus have them
take a closer look
can you see all the snapped branches?
pictures don’t really reveal the depth of the damage
that tree wasn’t the worst I saw… but it is one of my favs
heart breaking
I maybe have climbed that tree 20 plus yrs ago
when I should have been old enough to know better =)
its hard to see all the old trees slowly loose their ability
to stand alone
after a little research I found out these trees are about 100 years old
I also learned 20 trees on the Capital Campus will be cut down *sniff, sniff*
this tree will likely be cut down too
this baby is 120 years old!!
this tree stands in a one block grassy area in front of the “old” capital building
half the 120 year old tree fell over
so SAD!!
these pics of this tree do look a bit cartoon-ish to me…
with a little imagination? =)
it would be rude of me to point that out though… =)
the old trees in Olympia are sentimental to folks around here (me)
do you ever feel like that about your daily surroundings
Mt Rainier has that effect on me too…
my heart goes pitter patter when I see it
and all its glory … smiling at me… you know?
hm… don’t answer that … ok…
a few years back that little “park” lost a bunch of its old trees
there was so much damage they cut them down all 6-10 of them
100 plus year old trees… it was SO sad!
anyway… that one above was one of 2? trees left standing in that “park”
last one I promise … this is down the road from the Capital
the homes and trees alike are from the early1900’s
It is amazing how many “close calls” we witnessed!
every 25 feet there was some kind of fallen tree “branch”
some were smaller than others…YIKES!
Crazy!! and Sad!
I guess you could call me a SAP
but I love trees! =)
alright alright
I’m done now.
poor trees.
I am done.
really. =)
Ta Ta For Now
click on the link below to view others interpretations on this weeks Scavenger Hunt
January 29th, 2012 saat: 3:26 pm
I don’t like to see those majestic old trees die either! It’s very sad.
Mount Rainier is gorgeous!
January 29th, 2012 saat: 4:18 pm
I love your smile picture! Too cute!
January 29th, 2012 saat: 4:58 pm
Love your artificial picture! We live close to you…we have a very similar looking landscape after the snow storm!
January 29th, 2012 saat: 5:46 pm
Oh, I hate to see old trees like these destroyed. So much history. That is sad indeed!
January 29th, 2012 saat: 5:47 pm
What a great smile! Mt. Rainer takes my breath away every time. S sorry about the trees.
January 29th, 2012 saat: 7:53 pm
I love smile…so cute!
January 29th, 2012 saat: 8:14 pm
I love your latte art, and your son’s smile is a great smile…lol. Nice pattern shot! I hate to see the old trees die too.
Thanks for stopping by.
January 29th, 2012 saat: 8:29 pm
your pattern is FABULOUS, def my favorite!! and ouch on the trees, i totally get it!!
January 29th, 2012 saat: 8:33 pm
Such awesome snow shots. I love the first one and your artificial shot. Beautiful.
January 29th, 2012 saat: 9:58 pm
Hi. love your pretty snow shots and smile is so cute!!
January 29th, 2012 saat: 11:13 pm
Oh those poor trees, how sad. That’s a great shot for smile, it made ME smile :O) And that mountain is stunning.
January 30th, 2012 saat: 6:44 am
Awww…poor tree!
LOVE that 1st shot, Jenn. So cool!
January 30th, 2012 saat: 7:24 am
That snow pattern is beautiful
January 30th, 2012 saat: 8:21 am
What a great set – that first shot looks so yummy!
January 30th, 2012 saat: 11:41 am
its amazing what a hard hit things like trees take in ice storms when they aren’t used to it.
January 30th, 2012 saat: 12:20 pm
My heart goes pitter patter every time I see Mt. Rainier too… I LOVE that mountain. Of course, it’s a rare sight since it’s cloudy and rainy most of the time here… sigh. 🙂
I HATE it when old trees have to be cut down. SO SO so sad. But, it must be done for safety. Hopefully they’ll plant 2 or 3 new ones for every old one they cut down.
January 30th, 2012 saat: 3:26 pm
Great shots – I hate seeing that old tree crack!
January 30th, 2012 saat: 4:51 pm
What a great set. That snow is beautiful! And I have a soft spot for old trees too. That’s so sad ;( They are gorgeous though.
January 30th, 2012 saat: 4:58 pm
That smile is awesome!
January 31st, 2012 saat: 3:06 pm
Those tree shots are all incredible! Something about trees that take such great photos : )
February 1st, 2012 saat: 8:36 am
Yikes. Those poor trees. I do envy your snow…maybe not that much. Our whole city would close down. I am hoping we get at least a little bit to play in.