The magic of Snail Mail ~

If you love to give or receive Mail

~ REAL Mail ~

in your mailbox

Then This Snail Mail Project

that Cyndy started recently

is a wonderful reason to pull out your stamps!

You can read about it on Cyndy’s blog

Putting the Fun in DysFUNctional

I have always wanted an old mailbox like this

there is something lovely about opening that kind of mailbox.

or flipping up the flag when you send mail~

when I was little

we had a black, letter sized mailbox

right on the front porch

you know the kind with the news paper hooks on the bottom!?!

I loved checking the mail as a kid!

later…In my 20’s

I lived in a couple of different old houses

the kind where the mailman slipped the mail through a slot

and it fell right onto the beautiful wood floors!

the sound of the metal flap squeaking open

the letters hitting the floor

and the metal flap banging back against the door again…


I can just just see Merlin now !!

where was I??

Right ~ The Snail Mail Project!

I immediately thought what a wonderful way to get to know a new friend.

Remember in the days when you were young in the 70’s ~

we called them Pen Pals!!  =)

I did not even have to think about it ~ I mean really ~

Frog was  willing to cheer up his best friend Toad

by sending him a letter

by snail mail service

even though he sees Toad every day!

How sweet is that?!

Then of course I can brighten up the day of a new friend

and since I am a “rule breaker”

I might just add a new personal challenge

Each time I send my new blog friend mail

I will send something cheery to an existing friend!

Sneaky Fun!!

So I signed up with Cyndy’s Snail Mail Project

and yesterday I found out who MY Snail Mail friend is

Dina at 4 Lettre Words

We exchanged addresses yesterday ~

I can’t wait to find fun ways to brighten her day

with something simple in her mailbox!

I wonder what kind of mailbox she has?! =)


Doesn’t this sound Fun?!

What a beautiful way to encourage others!

Click here to join the fun!

Cyndy will connect you with a new snail mail friend too!

Please Tell Cyndy I sent you!!

Thank you Cyndy for encouraging us to brighten up someone’s day

with something as simple as a letter!


Now if you will excuse me

I have some treasure hunting to do

and an address book to dust off!

I don’t want to keep my Snail Mail friend waiting!

~ Jenn ~

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