Kissing My Belly Goodbye with Heart Healthy Life Style Changes

Good Morning !  I am currently laughing at myself … my blog name ‘Seizing My Day’… is very motivating to me… however… since I have entered the learning curve of blogging… my days are not as ‘easily’ seized!  Bear with me a few more weeks and I think I can live up to my name a little better!  Like having my posts up and running the night before waiting to be automatically posted for the morning!  (wish me luck!)

3 Heart Healthy Things I do Everyday:  Drink Water, Walk & eat Breakfast!

Every day I fill 3 16oz. water bottles so I know how much water I drink.

Every day I walk the puppy 2-3 times a day … for at ‘least’ 15 minutes!

Everyday I eat Yogurt and a whole grain for breakfast.

Can I just say…. I love Dr. Oz!  He is one of my main sources for heart healthy lifestyle changes.  If you have never been to you should check it out!  Real Age offers great heart healthy advise!   One of today’s tips is to eat Yogurt 3 times a day to loose weight!!!  I don’t like yogurt that much… but I might try 2 times a day!??   Yoplait Lemon Delight is currently my fav… YUM!   I also like Dannon vanilla diabetic friendly yogurt.  I signed up for the real age tips to be sent to my email daily… and they even have a blog!

Alright… confession time… I “need” to  be  on a ‘heart healthy’ diet plan.  1 year ago I was diagnosed with ‘extremely’ high triglycerides/cholesterol.   I tried to be ‘good’ I tried to  lower my sugar intake, I tried to eat less bad carbs and I tried to add more beans and greens.  Alas, I failed!  6 mo. later my levels were actually a little higher.  Honestly, now I am  on the right train! My health means I have a better chance of sticking around to enjoy my kids as they grow up.  I am not all that much overweight… nor do I ‘sit around’ all day… perhaps genetics and little bad habits have lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides and a little more weight/fat than my body needs.  I am in the ‘heart attack waiting to happen’ category – who knew!!!  I don’t think I look unhealthy!!

Help Me Kiss My Belly Goodbye!!   Join my heart healthy adventure!

As I journey through this life style change … I hope to share food and exercise tips and recipes with ya all… and I hope ya all will share with me… encouragement and knowledge is always welcome!!

You all have Great Blogs ~ I am enjoying this new blogging adventure !  Please take a minute to say hello and consider becoming a follower!

One last thing (I know I ramble… thanks for staying!)

Have you had your cholesterol checked lately!!??   I would have never guessed mine were SO high!   Take the time to check your heart health!!

Blessings to ya all!    Jenn~

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  • 1 Stacy @ Moderate Means yazmış:

    It’s so hard to find the right eating plan for your own health! Kudos to you for getting tested, talking to doctors and making a plan to face your heart issues!

    Surprisingly, I have really good cholesterol numbers (which to me is proof that genetics can make all the difference because I spent a decade making poor food choices!) but I’m overweight and have a daughter with T1 diabetes…so trying to find the right plan for our family has been challenging….all that to say that I know how hard these changes can be!

    Thanks for visiting my blog this morning – I love seeing new faces and finding new blogs!
