March Routine
It is POURING rain outside today and I guess our March routine is about to set in
Rain, Rain and more Rain along with Soccer, soccer and more WET soccer =)
if we are “lucky” we might even see snow… *sob*sob*sob*
**I NEED to live somewhere Sunny**sigh** if only my family would agree to moving =)
away from family, friends, church, our settled lives…its worth it… isn’t it?
** for a little sun** =) ha ha ha
alrightygoodthen … now that I have that out of my system
moving on to the weekly “Sunday” Scavenger Hunt =)
Here are my interesting interpretations this week:
Confession: one of the reasons I am not as present in the blog world as I used to be:
Books. I’ve been reading a lot of books this last 9 months or so
Reading has become part of my weekly routine now.
10 – 11 years ago when my babies came into my life… I stopped reading.
who has the time? diapers, feeding, laundry, cuddling, not sleeping…=)
then toddlerhood came and well… that is just BUSY.. and tiring… and blissfully fun!
as they got older I started home schooling and well… personal reading disappeared!!
I am loving my new routine of reading real books… flipping page after page…
enjoying the suspense of what will happen next =) glorious!
the book above was FABULOUS!! history & fiction beautifully penned together!
by Jane Kirkpatrick … I plan to read a few more of her books…
I highly recommend The Daughters Walk. =)
I love hearing the gentle tuned music notes that play off of my wind chimes
they have been playing a lot of notes lately as we have had a windy few weeks!
one of my readers recently noted she hated her neighbors wind chimes *cough, cough*
(I wonder how my neighbors feel about mine?? they have never said anything?!! =)
seriously…even the animated Lego Johnny Depp is handsome!
and the animated Lego Orlando Bloom…
they look so much like themselves it is uncanny! =)
ha ha ha…
I love technology! LOL
Show Me Your Style
another confession: ok ok …this is not my style .. its my sisters!
a gold nose upon her wall
I have always LOVED my sisters nose!
one year I bought her a stone bookend with a giant smile on it… just teeth and lips.
I loved it… I figured she would too… given her love for her nose…
she keeps it…but I know she does not love it as much as she loves her nose!
is it just me or are you finding this dialog funny? =)
I am cracking myself up… =)
I am in a cheeky mood today! ah ha ha ha
cheeky… get it?? nose, lips… cheeky…
nevermind… =)
yet another confession: I found these two weeks ago in Canada
(oops… archives!!)
I absolutely LOVE them! I want one or two… heck I’ll take all 3!
if I bought them they wouldn’t exactly match my living room
thus making them mismatched furniture
but I REALLY want one!! or two! or three!
They are even comfortable and you can rest your arm casually on the short back of the chair…looking and feeling very cool and casual! I should have taken a picture of my daughter sitting on it just so…
the funny thing is I found a few aqua colored ones here in Olympia this week!!
of course…. without my camera in hand!
they are so tempting… OH. So. Tempting!
anyway… if you think I was stretching the whole mismatched thing
will these do ??
Mismatched Timbits (aka donut holes!)
A must every time we go to Canada to visit friends or family.
Another archive from a couple weeks ago when Abby and I were on our girly weekend
the day I found those fabulous green chairs!!
we brought some Timbits nhome for the boys! =)
next time I think we won’t ask for mismatched though…
we will select more chocolate ones for our Timbits box!! =)
if you are wondering Tim Hortons is where one would buy Timbits …
allrightygoodthen folks …that is all I have today!
if I can tear myself away from my new hobby (reading)…
maybe I’ll see ya all later in the week!
ps Have you been reading any good books lately?
what is your reading style? =)
more Scavenger Hunt interpretations
click below
March 5th, 2012 saat: 11:05 am
I love some mismatched furniture and those chairs are pretty awesome.
March 5th, 2012 saat: 12:05 pm
Love your interpretation of music. Very cleaver!
March 5th, 2012 saat: 1:16 pm
Glad you’ve rediscovered reading, such a great way to spend time. Not reading anything right now but loved “the Hunger Games”. My son got them for Christmas , and I enjoyed reading them when he finished.
March 5th, 2012 saat: 1:23 pm
I wish I was in a daily routine of reading. I do manage to read , but not every day.
March 5th, 2012 saat: 2:45 pm
I love to read too, I’m off to go look at the book you’ve recommended
March 5th, 2012 saat: 5:00 pm
It completely cracks me up that she has a nose on her wall! Also, I’m loving the Johnny Depp lego.
I read my first entire book in a year last week, so I can appreciate how it feels to be reading again. Fun!
March 5th, 2012 saat: 6:12 pm
Love the sound of wind chimes! One of my favorite things to do is sit outside while a storm is rolling in listening to wind chimes while reading a good book:)
March 5th, 2012 saat: 6:21 pm
I love to read too. I’ve read a few books on my iPad but seriously for me, nothing beats turning the pages of a good book. I will have to check this book out sometime soon. Love your music pic. I have a fondness for windchimes although I don’t own any myself. Great pics all around!
March 5th, 2012 saat: 7:35 pm
Thanks for your visit. I enjoyed your pictures especially routine. I also enjoy reading especially with my wife as a Liberian. Sometimes life gets in the way of living.
March 6th, 2012 saat: 7:39 am
Those chairs are pretty awesome somehow I think I’d find a way to make them work! And those donuts, gosh I’m hungry, yum! Great pictures!
March 7th, 2012 saat: 12:20 am
Heck, none of my furniture matches and I love the color green. I might have bought them too!
PS — Your Sunday Best is weekly and I put the post up on Saturday evening if you ever want to join in.