Do you know Nate?

I LOVE Nate!!

Oh sorry…
did you think
I meant This Nate?

Though I would LOVE to entertain This Nate…

er … uh… that didn’t sound right…

what I mean is I would love to let him entertain me…


that didn’t come out right either….


That Nate could come rip apart my house for me anyday

and show me how it is REALLY done…

how is this week Nate??    =)

(photo image was stolen borrowed straight from Nate’s Webpage for his Show!!)

I really should try to watch his show …

I really do love That Nate too…

if only I had more time I Would watch his show…


maybe my house would look more like his work…  =)

but I digress…

So NO…

That is not the Nate

I was originally referring to!!

Do you know This Nate?

Nate is one funny little dude…

I mean detective!

er … uh…

Marjorie Weinman Sharmat is one funny author!

or maybe

it has something to do with Mr. McFunny reading them aloud to our kids…

My Man …  he is hysterical!!

he has the most Wonderfully animated personality

especially when he reads to our children!

I heart my man!  =)




I can’t remember when we first met Nate…

BUT…   it was love and laughter at the first few lines!!

Take a minute and read those not so legible words …

My hubby… aka… Mr. McFunny… loves that last line …

I do too…. =)

it is SO funny!

“I would like Annie….. if I liked girls”

Maybe we first met Nate… when my little girl was in 1st grade?

she read them back then… all of them…

the ones we own and the ones the library had…

she has a good sense of humor that girl of mine!

and now my baby boy is reading them

in the 2nd grade…

I can’t even believe he is reading…

and I taught him how to read…

maybe I shouldn’t call him my baby anymore?  =)


back to Nate~

so easily distracted I am!


who doesn’t love a boy who is faithful to his mommy…

I mean really… if we were still living in the 70’s

(WAY back when I was a kid)…

and pretend I let my babies run the streets without supervision…

it would melt my heart if my son left me a sweet note to tell me “he was on a case”…

=)  Melt I tell you… I would just melt.

OH… Nate the Great Books are Reading Level 2.

in case you were wondering.

and they will cost you about 4 bucks.

AND … he loves pancakes…

he will do anything for pancakes…

what girl doesn’t love a man

who they can get to do anything by just giving him a pancake!  ha ha!!

OK OK… drama queen is done!!

If you have never read your child… 8 and under … a Nate the Great Story…

they are witty and wonderful detective stories entertaining children ages 4-8. 80.

Go Now… Run quickly… don’t walk!!  to the book store or the library…

but really you will want to OWN them once you read them!!

So save yourself some time and just go to straight to the bookstore!

or ebay… but then you have to WAIT…

Here is our little collection of Nate the Great!

It is Impossible to pick a favorite!!

G R E A T stories… Nate the Great!!  =)

what are you still doing here?

Go… Go buy them!!  =)


Have a Great day!!


What about Bob?

Do you all know Bob??

I just finished a breakfast date with Bob…

and I am about as content as a flea on a warm dog!  =)

Maybe I will introduce you to Bob tomorrow…

14 Responses | Add your Own

  • 1 Jen Gacek yazmış:

    Okay, so the first Nate is a little more dreamy…but he also doesn’t like girls, so they have something in common!

    I love a good kids book series. We read a story to our boys before bedtime and they love it. My hubby also does the animated voices, it’s so cute….and kinda sexy *wink wink*

  • 2 hershey's moma yazmış:

    Yes, we know Nate. It started out with Nate the Great for us back in yes, about 1st grade for our oldest. I bought it for him for Christmas. (I buy him a book every year) He is wanting a Tom Clancy this year for Christmas…13 going on 30. Sigh.

  • 3 Cindy yazmış:

    We LOVE Nate!!!
    Enjoy the day

  • 4 Julie yazmış:

    We love both Nate’s too!!

  • 5 Pennie at Mom Thoughts yazmış:

    Ahhh…to have a reading level 2 kid to read to. Those were the days…
    Some day, a long, long time from now when both of my children are married and have stable jobs…I will have grandchildren…
    then and only then
    I will go back to Nate the Great. 🙂
    I miss him.

  • 6 Julianne yazmış:

    i love me some nate…both of them!! hehe thank for sharing 🙂

  • 7 Jocelyn yazmış:

    I wasn’t familiar with either of these Nates, but I’m going to have to check out those books. Thanks for the tip. I’m just starting to introduce my girls to Amelia Bedelia, one of my favorites as a kid.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog. It made my day 🙂

  • 8 Genn yazmış:

    Hi Jenn,

    Cute post! I love Nate Berkus! I want to watch his show too. Thanks for the reminder, I need to find out when it is on and record it.

    And thanks for sharing those books. We love books around here. My oldest is only 4, but I will have to check these books out.

    And Bob?? Ok now who is Bob? 😉

  • 9 Christy yazmış:

    Thanks for introducing us! Nate the Great looks like an awesome read … I need to get some of those books for my girls!

  • 10 naomig yazmış:

    Seriously? So cute. 🙂

  • 11 debbie yazmış:

    I miss Nate! And those sweet times of reading together.

  • 12 Tara yazmış:

    My little fella is only 2.5 years old but I wonder if he would enjoy these little stories as well? Maybe too over his head? Will have to keep my eye on them at the library.

    BTW, in case you’ve tried to visit, I had to go private until I could get my new blog started.

  • 13 Jules yazmış:

    I’ve never heard of nate, but I sure do know who Nate is…

  • 14 Traci yazmış:

    We’ve never read Nate, but we will now!