Archive for October, 2010

Teachers Art Assistant

My art skills make kids happy I am ok with that. Next week I get to teach my daughters class to make this fun Fall Leaf Art project with pressed leaves and collage podge I found the idea in a Sunset magazine from 2007 I didn’t follow the “rules” when I made my examples I […]

E is for

Eggs Speaking of Eggs Have you ever done this with an egg? I have always heard you can do this on winter solstice I was SO excited that  I actually managed to do it!! E is for Elephant This was the baby Elephant born in Seattle this pic is from a couple years ago sadly […]

The Thing about starting projects

Is that you should only start ONE at a time!!  =) oops. Too late now!! remember this? Soon it will hold treasures that belong to this handsome little guy see it in the corner there? it is  white… but it is still a work in progress! When I asked Sammy if he wanted me to […]


S occer Game for my Girl A nimal walking T esting Pumpkin Scone Recipes U n-decorating my house from a birthday party last week R unning … (I am NOT a runner FYI. ) D ying from Running  =) A girly date with my daughter Y esterdays projects to finish! S A T U R […]