Can it Be ??
Can this really be happening?
Is MY dog…
My CAT chasing dog…
The wild and crazy Cat Harassing Dog…
the one who thinks the cat is a dog
or he is a cat
That dog
has been doing a little of this lately
MY CRAZY dog is mellowing out
a little
and being nicer to the kitty
look at this
he rested his head
while she was on the floor
3 feet away!
thought I would see THIS
if I added some fill light
and over exposed it
you would be able to see both animals have at least one eye open
There you have it folks
You heard it RIGHT here
Miracles DO Happen! =)
(truth be told “I” did not “see” it… my man did… and he took the picture with his phone of course … b/c my camera is BROKEN.. remember? Stop bringing that up… I don’t want to talk about it!!)
** I have been a VERY lazy blogger this summer… I hope to get back to my less lazy blogger attitude in the Fall… when life is in Routine… =) I have 17 days to get my butt in gear!! Until then we have swim lessons to complete, dog sitting, eye appointments, school clothes shopping, school supply shopping, soccer starting, teeth to be pulled and a camping trip! Being a mom is no small affair!! ha ha I will be blogging… Lazy blogging as I have been this summer! funny enough… I thought I would have MORE time to blog in the summer!! Ah ha ha ha ha… jokes on me!**
If you will excuse me I am off to the pool!!
LB ~
(lazy blogger)
August 21st, 2010 saat: 11:22 am
lol! That was a cute sequence of pictures! happy last days of summer, may they fly by peacefully. 😉
August 21st, 2010 saat: 1:24 pm
awww i love it!! i think clyde would never give up a chance to chase lola…never!
August 21st, 2010 saat: 1:49 pm
very cute pictures. enjoy the last of your summer
August 21st, 2010 saat: 1:54 pm
How cute!!
We keep saying our dog needs a new friend since our oldest dog passed away.. but I really don’t think he will like another dog coming in.. although I am NOT a cat person.. I’m wondering if he would like a cat better..
August 21st, 2010 saat: 3:43 pm
I remember seeing my cat’s head in my dogs mouth and about expired on the spot – they were having a snuggle session – only a month earlier they were ready to kill each other.
I love your photo collage! And that they each had one eye open! What a great husband to know how important that was to your humor and take a pict!!!
August 21st, 2010 saat: 3:47 pm
Hmmm… Cats and dogs getting along, whatever will be next?! Haha!
(Also, my husband pointed out that my sense of humor doesn’t always translate well on my blog… anyway, my tourist jab was all in good humor… and you are welcome to visit anytime. We love the fact that we get to experience touristy amazingness every day, and the local economics need it, definitely. This particular guy was just that quintessential PNW guy that thinks he’s super smart about the outdoors, (he told me three different plants I should watch out for, and I happen to know he was all wrong about two of them) and recycles more than anyone else, ya know, THAT type. Haha!!!)
August 22nd, 2010 saat: 4:44 am
I think you have done a great job this summer. I have really slacked off from years past. But everyone needs a break now and then. I love the last picture of them laying together. too cute. I love that their coats match too. CUTE
August 22nd, 2010 saat: 8:40 am
LOVE it! Such sweet captures.
August 22nd, 2010 saat: 11:48 am
HI Jenn
That’s so cute. They still had one eye open? LOL.#
Hope you are having a lovely Sunday.
August 22nd, 2010 saat: 2:45 pm
Oh I remember when we brought home a cat. It took a few weeks before they were comfortable together, but they eventually got there. Brings back those memories. Too cute!
August 23rd, 2010 saat: 8:26 am
When I was journalling this morning (my late-getting-up morning), I made a list of things I want to do this week (our last week before the kids go back to school). My list is too long to complete in a week, I think.
It is now 11:25am. I just showered and got dressed. I better get going, or I will NEVER get all this done! (Not that I will ever get it done anyhow,..but I need to cross off some things today. Really.)
August 23rd, 2010 saat: 10:18 am
Adorable animals! Looks like they are bonding. I, too, hope to get my lazy blogger self back into gear! Thanks for your comment. I am glad you found me… and, I will be back!
August 24th, 2010 saat: 5:46 am
Love the pics of your creatures – never saw such a pair of cuddlers like that before – very mellow indeed! Cute blog!