Ice Skating Adventures
We had a great time ice skating! One of my favorite family adventures! We were so grateful for the walkers to get us started! Lots of smiles and laughter… there were only a couple minor falls… After one hour we had a proud mommy and daddy… and happy kids feeling successful at their new skills! We will definitely ice skate again.. when we find opportunities to hit the ice!! Have a Great weekend !
January 23rd, 2010 saat: 10:59 am
That’s what I like to see…pics! Looks like lots of fun! I was just reading that pics make a whole blog! Have a great day…see you tomorrow!
January 23rd, 2010 saat: 11:46 am
Thanks Tammy… I saw someone else do this and I loved the post I decided to do it myself… my first one was of Merlin…
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!
January 25th, 2010 saat: 12:47 pm
Thanks for stopping by Spirit of Power!! I am having a bit of trouble getting the auto-generated code for google friend connect to behave in my blog, so I don’t have it up and running yet – but I hope you will stop back by soon.. Really enjoying your blog, keep up the great work!
January 25th, 2010 saat: 10:13 pm
That looked like such a lot of fun. I’ll probably wait until my boy is a bit older before we’ll try signing him up for lessons.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Burnaby Mountain, where the photo in my blog was taken is just right next to SFU (where hubby went for uni). We always love to go there whenever we visit. Lots of open spaces for the kids to run about.