48 hours + 8 inches =
Hikes to the local hills with our sled in tow
A few Hours of sledding
in the beautiful white powdery snow
That filled our sled on each run down the hill
after nearly every run down the hill
the mama had to pull off her gloves
and dig Powdery snow out of boots, pant legs, hoods… faces… =)
48 hours + 8 inches also =
Hours of digging
and digging
and digging ….out the center of this huge pile of snow
that I shoveled off the driveway the day before
because I am stupid, nuts, crazy, not smart a fun mom… =)
My offspring were very helpful
or… uh…
while the mama broke her back dug out the Lodge =)
I grew up using the shovel…. A LOT
now I have this weird attachment to it…
I can’t explain it…
I really DO like to Dig… really!!
and well…
I just do things like this ….against my better judgment!
I have the same weird attachment to paint brushes…
and rollers… *insert happy grin* … oh never mind!
In She Goes!!!
Is there room for 2?
A little snug… but they both fit!
yep… Much more cozy for one!!
(nope I will not build another one… not me!!)
In Washington we do crazy things like this for the littles
because everyone needs a 48 hour Snow Lodge!!
it is a sickness… Snow…
you hate it…yet … You LOVE it… *sigh*
and because I am OUT OF MY MIND
I didn’t stop there…
Sammy and I built up a Battle Fort too
Hey… I am NOT the bad guy??!!
What is Wrong with him?!!
48 hours + 8 inches Also =
Back aches
When Will I EVER learn?? =)
So much work for 48 hours worth of fun!!
It IS worth it? Right?? =)
Today Mr. McFun gets to “play”…
Apparently my body is not as young as my mind!!
I will be spending the weekend with my heating bags!!
What are you up to this weekend?? =)
The (not so smart) Shovel Queen
February 26th, 2011 saat: 2:54 pm
What fun! The things we do to entertain our kids.
Hope your back is feeling good as new soon!
February 26th, 2011 saat: 4:23 pm
I hate to even say it, but today was so sunny and warm that we ran all the fans. Tomorrow, they say we may break the record…they even called it “bikini weather”.
February 26th, 2011 saat: 5:56 pm
hope you are feeling better soon and can go out and enjoy the fruits of your labor, or at least be able to watch your kiddos
February 26th, 2011 saat: 6:45 pm
OH MY GOSH, all that snow!!
Yay for the Naked Egg! I read on one site that you can do it for a full seven days… I think it just becomes more translucent, because the acid reacts with the calcium of the shell.
We just did white vinegar. Maybe you could do one white vinegar and one apple cider vinegar to see if there’s a difference? Or maybe another acidic liquid (such as soda). If you google Naked Egg Science Experiment, you can find several different options. Can’t wait to hear how it turns out for you!
February 26th, 2011 saat: 8:03 pm
Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comment about the picnic table. Not the best picture though, lol. My husband built that himself. We are waiting for warmer weather to be able to enjoy it again….then I can post some better pics! LOl
Enjoy the snow:-) We’ve had our share of it this winter too.
February 27th, 2011 saat: 12:56 am
What a cool mum you are!!! My kids would love your snowcave. Looks like such a fun day.
March 2nd, 2011 saat: 4:59 am
WHOA! How lucky are they that they get to sit in a snow cave?! That is something I have yet to do in my lifetime. Actually I don’t really know if I want to
but if I were 20-30 years younger I bet I would be allll about it! Great shots!